Part 3 Chapter 16

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Present Day

I looked at Seth, his gray eyes full of sincerity, like he really meant those words. Any normal person would've said that what I was about to do was crazy, that I only knew him for a few weeks. But only I knew how much crazy I was about him.

For a second, when I thought he was with Caitlyn, I thought I lost my shot with him. And I kind of felt guilty that if he was with Caitlyn, it would've been cheating when we kissed last time and I would've been THAT girl, the one who steals boyfriends, even though Caitlyn sort of deserved it. I don't remember what I was like before 4th of July, but after 4th of July, I was going to start afresh.

I grabbed his face with both of my hands and pulled him into a kiss. I didn't care that we were standing up in his balcony, putting a show up for everyone who was passing by. I stopped caring about these little, unimportant things now. They'd only add to my problems in life. When it was my life, then why should I give a shit about what other people thought?

He roughly shoved me against a pillar and started kissing my neck hungrily. His teeth grazing my jaw, and my hands were running down the taut muscle of his back, we were lost in our own paradise and nothing else mattered in that moment. Grabbing his tousled hair, I wrapped my legs around his hips as he carried me towards his bedroom. After stumbling multiple times in the hallway and almost breaking Mrs. Baxter's antique ceramic vase, we finally made it to the room. When he dropped me on the bed, my head slightly hit the head board.

'Ow.' I yelped.

We both started giggling while I held my head. I reached out and pulled off his T-shirt, skimming my hands over his tight abs. I moved over and straddled him, placing small kisses on his skin from his jaw to his neck when suddenly, my phone started ringing.

'Don't you have to get that?' Seth whispered in my ear seductively.

I rolled my eyes. 'I guess so.' I reached over to where my phone was sitting on the bedside table and looked at the caller ID. Eric. Shit! What was I going to tell him if he asked me where I was? Well, anyway, I guess I might as well just tell him the freaking truth.

'Hey.' My voice was tight and unnaturally chipper.

He released a breath and cleared his throat, 'Carmella.' His voice was tight.

'Meet me at the clearing behind Brooksville Cemetery as fast as you can. Seth might be able to take you there.' He hung up.

What the hell was that about? I glanced over at Seth and he was staring at me, waiting for me to speak up first.

I nodded towards my phone. 'That was um... Eric.'

He scowled at the mention of his name. 'What did he want?'

'Do you know where the clearing behind the Brooksville Cemetery is?' I started putting my hair up in a loose ponytail and tying my shoe laces.

Seth opened the door for me and smiled, 'Let's get going then.'

The cemetery was just round the corner of the house where the party was held. I didn't know why Eric called me here so urgently but I was gonna find that out soon enough. As we walked through the woods, bits of memories jogged through my head, making me stumble for a moment.

First, I was shoving away branches while walking through the dark woods, when suddenly I was staring at text messages from a sender whose ID was a bunch of jumbled letters. The next was me dancing at the party with Seth's arms around my waist and then suddenly I was sitting on a couch, surrounded by wasted teenagers as Eric was kissing me.

'...Carmella!' Seth was shaking my arms, trying to wake me up from my trance.

I jolted awake and found two pairs of eyes staring at me. One was slate gray and the other was Caribbean blue.

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