Chapter 7- The Happiness before Ruin

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The palace is filled with people from all over the lands, Spartans, Ithacans, Egyptians and other royals. Everyone is happy to know that the Pharaoh has finally found a Queen, although some of the lords are not too pleased that their daughters were not chosen, but they understand the alliance through the marriage. Atem is at the altar, he is nervous, he never thought he would ever feel like this about anything, especially his wedding. The music begins to play, Ithacan wedding music, as the doors open, everyone looks back to see Odysseus and Nausikaa. Atem sucks in a breath, Nausikaa looks so beautiful, he cannot believe she could be even more beautiful. She looks like a Goddess! Nausikaa smiles wide as she walks up to Atem, her heart swells as she gets closer. He looks so handsome in his wedding wear, he looks like a God.

The ceremony is beautiful, everyone can see the love the two have for one another. Not only do the royals and nobles watch the wedding, the gods do as well. Aphrodite squeals in delight as she watches her handiwork finally come to forwishen. However, there are other gods watching the couple with sadness, they know that the Thief King will do something where these two will be torn apart. The Fates and Hamsut know what will happen to the mortals and will not say, they said they would never feel anything to mortals but something about this couple makes it hard not to care.

"People of Egypt!" Seto calls from the balcony to the crowd below. "Today, our Pharaoh has married his Queen!"

The crowd cheers as Atem and Nausikaa walk out for their people to see them. The cheers grow louder as they look at their rulers, Atem and Nausikaa smile. Nausikaa looks at her husband, how could it be he captured her heart? Atem looks at her and smiles lovingly at her. They share a kiss as their people cheer even more, however there is someone watching with a sneer. Akefia glares at the Pharaoh, he must kill him, and soon. He looks at Nausikaa, she looks so incredible, she will be his Queen and they will have their rule and family.

(Many Moons later)

Atem smiles as he watches his wife in the garden talking with Anzu and Heba, she has been so amazing. They have abolished slavery and cracked down on vendors taking the law into their own hands. But now, they have something more important to prepare for. In a few more months, they will have their first child. Nausikaa is six months along in her pregnancy, they will be having a son. They have decided on the name Leo for their son, a strong name for the prince. He walks over and kisses his wife's head.

"Atem," Nausikaa smiles, looking up at him. "How was the meeting?"

"It went well, the people are happier than ever before," Atem smiles. "We have a new trade route with another kingdom south of us."

"That is great!"

"Do you need anything my queen?" Anzu asks.

"I am fine Anzu, but thank you."

"Of course my queen," Anzu smiles before bowing and taking her leave with Heba.

Atem sits next to Nausikaa and rests a hand on her growing belly. She smiles and rests her hand on his.

"A few more months," She says. "Then we will have our son."

"How is our little prince doing?" He asks, looking at her.

"He is doing well, no longer kicking up a storm."

Atem chuckles and lightly rubs her stomach, that's when he feels a firm kick against his hand. He smiles with pride, that was his son, he felt his son kick. Nausikaa smiles as she watches Atem, he will be a wonderful father to their son. But she does have a bad feeling, Akefia is still out there somewhere. The spell Heba placed on him was cut somehow, now he is hidden from them. Atem notices the change in Nausikaa's demeanor.

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