Chapter 2- The Arrangements

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"Why did I agree with him?" Atem sighs as he relaxes in the garden.

"It is a good idea to get some more alliances outside the main land," Heba says as he weeds the garden. "Sparta is very strong and Ithaca has a lot of natural resources. At least that's what I heard Shadu and Isis talking about."

"I understand that, but with the war they were a part of still affects the lands, Trojans have been causing trouble," Atem sighs. "A Hellene girl...I am sure she will be spoiled, just like all of the other princesses I have met. She will have to be taught how to act here and not be spoiled."

Heba nods as they leave the garden. Atem is now 18 years old and is at the time where he must find a wife, his uncle suggested having more than one much like his grandfather. But Atem refused, he only wants one wife, like his father, but he had hoped it would not be an arranged marriage.

"I am sure you will still make the kingdom prosper more!" Heba says with a smile. "The people are happy, the town nearby is growing and you are so close to abolishing slavery!"

Heba was a slave when Atem found him. He was left to die alone in the hot desert when Atem and Seto rode by. He brought him to the palace and helped him. Heba has changed and became Atem's closest friend besides Mana and Mahad. He is happy to have him, he is able to talk to him when everyone else is busy. As they walk to the throne room, Anzu, the head maid, walks up.

"Heba, we need you in the kitchen, we have a banquet tonight remember?" Anzu says before bowing. "Oh! I am so sorry my Pharaoh."

"It is alright Anzu," Atem smiles. "I will leave you two to it, I will see you both later."

They both bow and leave, Atem sighs knowing full well that the banquet is for his "engagement". Instead of walking into the throne room, he goes to the balcony that overlooks the town. In the distance, he can see the procession of the Ithacan warriors with the princess. He sighs again, why just why?

"We should be there in a while longer, your highness," Jono says, walking next to the Palanquin.

"Why did I agree to this?" Nausikaa sighs. "Why did he ask me and not his other niece?"

"Because he doesn't want to give his sister-in-law to be a part of something so important after know.."

"You're right. I am glad you and Honda will be with me through this," Nausikaa says. "I don't think I will be able to handle a controlling husband."

"Don't worry princess, we won't leave you alone," Honda smiles. "Just let us know if he upsets you. Who cares if he is the pharaoh, he will not get away with hurting you."

Nausikaa giggles and her eyes look around. She has never seen anything like what is around her before. Deserts are not common in Ithaca or Sparta, so seeing so much sand is strange. The heat is also something she will have to get to, Ithaca isn't as hot as it is here. As they walk through the town, Nausikaa notices things that most would not notice. Homeless people on the streets, vendors that have swords and some thieves hiding in the shadows. She hums and moves her eyes to look at the palace, it is large and elegant. She wonders what her betrothed looks like, he is a year older than her and he is already the Pharaoh.

After about another 20 minutes, they make it to the palace. Nausikaa takes a deep breath to prepare herself for going to see her future husband. As they take the last few steps, one of her carriers trips and falls. This causes the palanquin to fall a bit, the guards and Atem notice this. Nausikaa quickly jumps out and goes to the man's side, Atem waits for her to start screaming and maybe even hurt the man.

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