Chapter 3- Getting to know one another

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The morning after the banquet, Atem, Nausikaa and the sacred guardians all gather in the throne room to hear from the man who attempted to take the Pharaoh's life. The guards bring the man into the throne room, forcing him to be on his knees.

"You attempted to poison the Pharaoh," Seto says. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I swear! It wasn't my idea!" The man says, looking up.

"If that is true, whose was it?"

"I don't know his name, I couldn't even see his face! B-but he paid me to do it, gave me a bag of gold to do it."

"For a bag of gold, you tried to poison your Pharaoh?" Mahad asks, his voice filled with venom.

"I'm sorry! Please have mercy on me!" The man begs, bowing low on the ground.

"There is no mercy for attempted murder of the Pharaoh," Seto says.

"Please! My Pharaoh! Spare me!" The man cries.

"Guards, take him to the dungeons to wait for his execution," Atem says. "You will pay for your act of treason with your life."

The man screams and cries for his life as he is dragged away by the guards. Nausikaa watches the man as he is taken away. What did he expect to happen when he was caught trying to escape? Nausikaa notices that Atem is slumped on his throne, the others seem to pay no mind as they leave.

"Something wrong Pharaoh?" Nausikaa questions.

"I knew someone would want to try something but I didn't think one of my servants would take payment to do it for them," Atem sighs. "I know things have been hard, I have been trying to improve things."

"Some people, even if you have known them for years, can turn around and stab you in the back," Nausikaa says. "That man and others need to know that they cannot do this and get away with it."

"I want my people to trust me and know that I am trying to help them."

"I understand, but letting someone go free after attempted murder will show people you are soft and weak."

"I don't believe my people would think that princess," Atem sneers. "I am sure he would not try it again."

"Those who trust you maybe, but the men who want you dead will. When you don't believe the signs that are right in front of you, you get murdered. Just like Agamemnon was killed by his wife after he returned from war. He didn't believe she would kill him even though there were signs," Nausikaa tells him before leaving the room.

He is so stubborn! Why would he even consider letting that man free! She goes to their room and changes into her combat gear and heads outside where Jono, Honda, Heba, Mahad and Mana are.

"Jono! Honda! Lets spar," Nausikaa says.

They nod, they can tell she is angry. Training has always been her stress reliever, ever since they were young teens. Mahad gulps a bit as he watches, he knew she was strong, Jono told them as much. But this? This is more than he thought it would be, and he can tell she is angry. Gods have mercy on whoever pissed her off. Atem sneezes as he stands from his throne. He sighs and rubs his head, he knows Nausikaa is right, but gods how could he be so indecisive about something so critical. He heads outside when he hears blades clashing. Curious, he walks to the area to see Honda, Jono and Nausikaa sparring. He stops in his tracks, he has never seen the Hellenes style of fighting but seeing it now....he knows they are strong. Which isn't a surprise since they won the war against the Trojins.

"My Pharaoh," Mahad bows as Atem walks up.

"Hello, Mahad, Mana, Heba," Atem greets. "What is going on?"

Pragma: Struggles of an Arranged MarriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora