Chapter 4

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"I can not believe you have a boyfriend before me!" Bella cries down the phone as I lay on my bed after mine and Ron's date. "Well that isn't offensive at all!" I say sarcastically.
"No Chloe I didn't mean it like that it's just I guess I'm kind of jealous!" She apologises.
"Well no need to be jealous," I announce "one of Ron's friends likes you and Ron asked if I could give you his number."
"I can't believe you waited to tell me that!" She whines down the phone. "Tell me it, tell me it right NOW!"
"Ok ok." I say putting her on speaker and entering my contacts. "are you ready?"
"Duh!" I laugh.
"07838 37482"
"Yay thanks love you bye!" She says hanging up.
"Love you too!" I sigh even though she's not there.


Bella is ill. Why? Grrr at least I have Ron. Yesterday her announced the whole class that we were an item. I literally turned into a tomato. I check my phone as I walk to school listening to Ugly Heart by G.R.L.
Ronisafanboy voted for your story: Chapter 4. I smile. Fancouple for life is his Instagram bio next to my name with two heart emojis. I can't believe that I have a boyfriend already and I've had my first kiss.

When I get to school Ron isn't there. Shoot I think. I have no one at the moment. I decide to sit in a little gap between the lockers and the cabinets. I am quite petit so I can fit in it and I know that Tracey won't be able to fit in as she has a massive chest.

I get out my phone to see I have a text from Ron. 'I am 5 minutes away from school!' He always lets me know when he's coming. I start to text back when a shadow casts over my little hiding hole. It's Tracey but she has her back to me. I know she knows I'm here though. I decide to listen to her conversation. "Omg yeh he is sooo cute even though he is a bit of a geek. Yeh he told me that he was just joking around with Chloe and that he loved me. LOVED me. Omg we are like the cutest couple ever. He says that he will break it off with Chloe today!" They walk away as tears start to stream down my face.

I hear the door open and shut and Ron's voice call out "where's my sweet little flower." I squeeze out if the gap and Ron comes running up to me a massive grin on his face. That grin fades when he sees that I am crying.
"Sweet little flower what's wrong?" He asks.
"What's wrong is that my boyfriend is a lying, cheating idiot!" I spit through my teeth before barging past him and out of the form room. I can here him running after me but I don't stop. I go to the only place that I can think of, it's a place I haven't even shown Bella yet it's so secret. Of course I didn't think about the fact that Ron was following me.
"Chloe wait!" He says grabbing my wrist.
"No!" I cry as I yank my arm away and crawl into the gap between the PE lockers. Behind it is some sort of storage room. Unfortunately Ron just small enough to fit through the gap and follows me.
"Baby what's wrong!" He asks clear worry on his face.
"Firstly I'm not your baby and secondly I can't believe your going out with Tracey at the same time as me!"

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