Chapter 2

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By lunch time Bella's cheek has gone back to its normal colour apart from the the scratch which is rather swollen. Our classmates look at us sympathetically but I know it's because they are glad it wasn't them. I walk with Bella to the library where we sit and write our separate Fanfics on wattpad. By the time the bell goes I have completed 3 chapters on my Romione fanfic and 1 on my Hilde.

We rush back to the form room and take our usual seats at the back in the far corner. A really cute boy comes and sits next to me, I sigh he probably won't talk to me it's just because there is a spare seat next to me.

"Hi!" He says. I stare at him shocked.
"I'm Ron."
"Umm hi I'm Chloe." I choke out. I can't believe that a cute guy is sitting next to me.
"Hey is that Where She Went by Gayle Foreman?" He asks, his face lighting up with interest. I look at my bag where my book is poking out of the opening exposing the title.
"Um yeh." I reply nervously. Oh god why am I so bad at talking to guys. I feel my cheeks flush crimson.
"I love If I Stay but I haven't got the sequel." Ron says grinning boyishly at me. I take the book out of my bad and hand it to him, smiling back at him. "Here, you can borrow it!" I tell him. He takes the book from my hand. As I let go our fingers touch and a feeling like an electric current runs up my arm.

We both pull our hands backs at the same time shocked.
"Did you just give me an electric shock?" Ron asks. I shake my head.
" I thought you did?" I ask confused.
Ron frowns and then grins at me. I feel my cheeks flood with colour again and laugh nervously. Ron reaches out a finger and runs it along my cheek.
"Your really pretty when you blush." he comments before his cheeks flush red. I laugh. "Your cute when you blush." I say before I realise I've said it. "I mean...wait I'm sorry.." I stammer.
"Don't-" Ron is cut off by the bell ringing. I jump out of my seat and head to my locker Bella in tow.


"So that's it." I finish telling Bella just as we come out of German.
"Ooooh Chloe's got a crush!" Bella cries loudly. I slap my my hand over her mouth. She licks it and I pull away disgusted. "Ewwww Bella!" I groan at her wiping my hand on her jumper. She giggles uncontrollably. I sigh and head off to my maths lesson. Bella is in a higher mats set than me so it's the only lesson we have apart.

I sit down at the back and get out my books.
"So who do you have a crush on?" Ron asks as he takes a seat next to me.
I groan internally. Why is he sitting next to me. Not that I like him it's just Bella is right. I have a crush on Ron, and I know in my heart that he will never have a crush on me.

And it kills to know that.

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