Til Death Do Us Part // T.J.

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(T.J.'s still alive here. At least until you get the letter from South Carolina. Sorry for the stupid historical inaccuracies, if there are any.

Not many people know that Thomas Jefferson Jr. had a girlfriend.

Her name was Y/N L/N.

Y/N was a beautiful girl who worked at T.J.'s mother's tavern. She was kind and hardworking, and no doubt would make a good wife to some lucky guy, as Martha Jefferson pointed out to her son one day.

(Oof I just made up a name for T.J.'s mom)

"Heeeyyy Y/N?" T.J. said, leaning on the counter.

"Yes, Thomas?" Y/N replied, looking up from the glass she was polishing.

"I was kind of wondering if you would- um, let me court you?" He asked, holding out a rose.

Y/N was so shocked she almost dropped the glass. "I- wha-"

"No, no, no, it's okay if you don't want-" T.J. began, but he was cut off by Y/N, who kissed him. "I would be honored."

But then the Civil War came.

And T.J. was signing up for it.

On the day he was due to leave, Y/N sat behind Martha's tavern, sad that her Thomas would leave her.


"Thomas? You're still here? But your ship-"

T.J. grinned. "It's half an hour late. I wanted to give you something before I go. Here."

In his hand was a golden ring.

It was plain, without design,but to Y/N it was the most beautiful in the world.

"Oh, Thomas, you dear thing! You shouldn't have!"

"Miss Y/N L/N, when this war is over, would you give me your hand in marriage?"

Y/N smiled. "Are you proposing, Thomas?"

"If you consent . . ."

"I would love to become your wife."

He slipped the ring on your finger, and kissed you. "Y/N, you've made me the happiest man on earth."

Y/N waited patiently, for her T.J. to return.

Then one day, a letter came.

To Miss Martha Jefferson and Miss Y/N L/N,

I regret to inform you that Thomas Jefferson Jr. has perished in the assault on Fort Wagner, in South Carolina.

He bravely led the assault, and led the way to victory, but lost his life in the process.

You have our deepest condolences.


Her world was shattered.
T.J. was gone.

A year later, Y/N stood behind Martha's tavern, the tears flowing down her cheeks.

She still wore the ring T.J. gave her.

"Ooh, Miss Y/N! What's a pretty thing like you doing alone here?" A voice came.

"Shut up, Ed." She replied.

Edward Morris was a guy a year or so older than her. He'd asked for her hand twice, and she'd denied him twice.

"Come on, Y/N, he's dead. I'm here, and I can make you happy again . . ." He crooned, as he moved closer.

"G-get away from me!"

" . . . No can do, Y/N. I'm having you, whether you like it or not." He grabbed her arm and kissed her roughly.

Y/N tried to push him away, but he was too heavy. So she grabbed an old stick and bashed it on his head.

Ed slapped her and grabbed the stick from her grasp. "Stop fighting, Y/N. I won't hurt you."

"I said, get away from me! You're mean and ugly, and you are nothing compared to T.J.! He is twice- no, eight times the man you will ever be!" She yelled.

Ed saw red. "How dare you talk to me like that, you little whore!" He beat
Y/N with the stick.

Over and over again.

Y/N was barely conscious. The side of her face was slick with blood. She felt a bottle behind her, and broke it.

As Ed was about to beat her again, she stabbed him.

And she lost consciousness. For good.

When Y/N woke up, she found herself in a fancy room.

"W-where am I?"

"Welcome to Valhalla. I'm Marie, your Valkyrie." A girl with frizzy blond hair and green eyes said.

Y/N sat up. "Can you please explain what is going on?"

Marie led the way to the battlefield.
She'd explained that anyone who died an honorable death either came to Valhalla or Folkvangr, and Y/N had ended up at the former.

"Here's the battlefield. You- hey, Y/N, where are you going?"

Y/N ran to the familiar figure who stood with his back to her.

It couldn't be.

"Excuse me?" Y/N asked. Even when she was dead, this girl still had manners.

The guy turned around and sure enough, it was her T.J.

"Y/N?!" He said, smiling wide. "You're here- wait, how did you die?"

"You've got that moron Edward Morris to thank." Y/N replied.

"What?! I'll kill him!"

"You're dead, T.J." she gently reminded him.

" . . . oh yeah." T.J. said sheepishly.

"But anyway, what matters is that we're together." Y/N said, smiling. "We didn't even get married, and yet we still end up spending eternity with each other."

T.J. smiled from ear to ear. "And this time, there'll be no death to do us part."

"That's because we're already dead, T.J.!"

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