octavian | helpless

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i am helpless

ugh gods what is this feeling

i should probably give some context

jason invited me to his birthday party at camp half blood, because apparently i am an "antisocial son of a bitch". reyna's words, not mine.

okay, i hate that place, but who was i to decline my only two other friends? i'm not that much of an asshole.

so i show up in the amphitheatre, holding jason's gift (a book he'd wanted), carefully gift wrapped, mind you. i even made a card. granted, it only said, happy birthday, you superman knockoff, but hey, i'm trying.

so i'm there, right? waiting, trying to avoid small talk with graeci, and this beautiful person shows up!! and i mean beautiful. probably more beautiful than a goddess i will not name in fear of being smited.

they have like...e/c eyes that sparkled even from the other side of the room. damn. i sound super sappy but STILL.

so jason shows up and we all sing happy birthday. there's a cake, courtesy of that jackson boy's mother. even jason's sister (HE HAD A SISTER?????) was there.

and RIGHT after we finish the beautiful person is beside me and they tell me, "hey, you have a good voice."

which? okay? first, I've never been complimented like that before. not for my singing, anyway.  and especially not by someone so attractive.

i regret to say i might have turned a little flustered. can you blame me???????

i think i mumbled something along the lines of "gee thanks bye"

where is eloquence when you need it

so they smile at me (help i think my heart stopped beating for that one precious moment) and they disappear into the throng.

i give jason his gift, he thanks me, stuffs a plate of cake in my hands, and tells me to enjoy myself.

so people are sitting down and eating, right?? and i see them! sitting in the corner with cake!

i strode over to y/n, tapped their shoulder and asked, "hey, can i sit beside you?"

most people probably would have jumped away. i don't have the best reputation, you know.

but y/n smiled at me (again!!!) and they nod.

we get to talking.

[our conversation]

me: hi, can i sit with you?

them: yeah, sure.

me: i'm octavian

them: i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you!

me: so uh . . . *frantically searches for subject* do you like the cake?

them: *laughs* yeah! it was made by mrs. jackson, you know?

me: percy jackson? his mother? that's nice.

them: must be nice to have a mother like that. how's your mom?

me: *mumbles* she's dead

them: oh. *pause* i'm sorry.

me: eh. it was a long time ago.

them: well . . . uh. who's your godly parent?

me: can you guess?

them: well, i'm guessing apollo, since i'm pretty sure only apollo kids sing happy birthday as dramatically as you did.

me: i- okay. you're half-right.

them: half-right???

me: i'm a legacy of apollo. a descendant, instead of a direct child. and i do not sing happy birthday dramatically!

them: you totally do.

me: *sigh* fine. maybe i do.

[ the music comes on. it's helpless from hamilton. ]

them: do you know this song?

me: yeah, it's from one of my favorite musicals.

them: ohhh. it's good! i like it!

me: do you want more cake?

them: oh gods, yes!

me: i'll get you some.


diary, whatever michael says, i did not get up and walk to the food with a dreamy expression on my face. he's lying. i was also not humming along to the song, whatever anyone else says.

percy jackson even gave me a weird look as i grabbed a slice of cake. "what?" i asked.

he shook his head in disbelief. "you're smiling."

he says that like it's a suprise.

"i mean, it's a change from your usual grumpy face."

i swear to the gods someone needs to duct tape percy jackson's mouth shut.

"i saw you talking to y/n. you two really seem to get along."

well, he's not as stupid as he seems.

"be nice to them, okay?" he stares into my soul. "or else."

i back away. "fine."

[ back to our conversation ]

them: i saw percy death-glaring you over there

me: yeah. we have a tenuous relationship.

them: sorry, my brother is just overprotective

[ i choke on the cake. ]

me: you-your brother?!

them: yeah!

shit just got about three times more complicated.

they give me a worried look.

"that's wonderful." i manage to say.

the song playing is a classical one. a waltz.

oh well. it's now or never.

i hold out my hand. "may i have this dance?"

they blink. and (to my utter suprise) they say yes.

dear diary i swear to venus that was the best party ever

it's getting late. y/n's made me promise to keep in touch, and michael has stopped teasing me about them. he says i have a "crush".

i do not have a crush on percy jackson's incredibly attractive, incredibly fun sibling.

michael says i'm lying and that he can see it. fucking venus kids.

i have all these weird feelings and i don't know what to do.

it's way past lights out.

y/n was really nice, for a greek.

did i just write that

how do i get them out of my mind

it's one am

maybe i do have a crush.


thanks for reading the edited version! as you can see i changed a lot about this, pretty much the only thing i kept was octavian being confused about feelings and them meeting at jason's party.

octavian's diary writing is a lot more all over the place, usually it's better lmao. he's really got a crush.

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