one: "not this shit again"

Start from the beginning

"I just made dinner. I figured you might be hungry."

"I'll be down in a minute," I said without looking at her.

"Okay," she said and walked away.

The smells hit me as soon as I stepped on the stairs but I was still too frustrated to tell my mom how delicious they seemed.

"We finally have normal plates and cutlery," my mom said as she brought the food to the table. "No more paper and plastic."

I nodded.

"I know you're smart," she broke the silence after a while. "You're just having a hard time and so am I. But I know that despite what happened, you'll get into this high school, you'll finish with amazing grades like you have all the years before. You will be accepted to the best med college there is and you will become the scientist you are meant to be. Your father would've been proud of you if you were the one to find the cure for cancer..."

Not this shit again.

"You know what? I'm not hungry," I said as I dropped the knife and fork I was holding, on the plate. "I'll be outside."

I went out on the front porch and sat on the stairs. I hoped my mother wouldn't follow me and fortunately didn't. She spared the both of us a lot of nerves.

I looked around at my street; a bunch of similar-looking suburban houses. Nothing extraordinary about them. I wondered if someone my age lived somewhere close. It would've been nice to know at least one person before the school year began. Maybe if I went out to coffee shops or to the mall, I'd have a better chance of meeting a potential friend but I couldn't make myself do it. I hoped it all just would come with time.


A high voice pulled me out of my trance. I must have zoned out for a while. I looked up and saw a tall girl with ginger hair.

"You just moved here, right? I saw a few U-Hauls."

"Y-Yeah, a week ago."

"You know, I thought this house would never get sold again. A lot of families died here upon unexplained circumstances."

"What?" I shook my head.

"Yeah, it was like the police lived here, they were here so much. It was wild."

I looked at her unsure how to react. "My mom never mentioned anything..." I said, getting progressively uneasy.

"I'm kidding!" the girl said and bursted into laughter. "I live a couple houses down and I thought you could use a friend since you're new here. I needed some excuse to talk to you."

I let out a deep breath. "Okay. One, I'm happy the house isn't haunted, although the wall color in my room is horrendous, let me tell you," I chuckled. "Two, I'm Becky. I'ts nice to meet you," I stretched my hand toward her.

"I'm Gina," she smiled. "To be fair, a guy I was in class with lived here and he had a younger sister."

"What would explain the awful purple," I laughed and she joined.

Gina seemed nice.

"I think I can assume you have nothing planned for tomorrow evening?"

"I have some more unpacking to do but I guess it's not something I have to right away."

"My best friend throws a party at her super fricking mansion," she said as she waved her hands. "There will be just our close friend group. Maybe you'd like to come along? I'm sure she won't mind. She loves meeting people."

"I don't know." I scratched my neck. "I don't know you."

Gina rolled her eyes. "If you went out, you would've met me the very first day you moved, trust me. Besides, don't worry, I won't ditch you and leave you there on your own."

"Okay, fine. What do I have to lose anyway," I sighed.

"Exactly!" Gina clapped her hands. "Nothing to lose, lots to gain. Let's exchange numbers and we'll be in touch."

"I don't have my phone on me right now. I'll give you my number and just call me or text so I can save yours."


I told her my number and we talked for a moment longer until she said she had to go meet Laura - the girl whose house I was invited to.

Maybe living here won't be so bad, I thought.



Hi! I'm Luna, I'm 20 and I really hope you'll enjoy my book. I'm no newbie on Wattpad (been here since 1D fanfic era)

I've been working on my book since 2018! Let me know what you think!

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