Chapter 50

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After everyone has freshened up themselves, the group then went straight to a ktv bar to celebrate the success of their first week

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After everyone has freshened up themselves, the group then went straight to a ktv bar to celebrate the success of their first week.

Lea had strongly voted against this as she would like to rest her voice after two consecutive days of non stop singing. But since many wanted to come here, the Broadway star just relented and will only join in for the conversation and the drinks.

Despite her ex or what she should consider now as her fiancée waiting for her, Ellie came to the bar separately, driving her own car. Darren arrived just behind her.

They let the others come in on the lounge first as they stay behind and have a quick talk.

"What are you doing here?" There was irritation in Ellie's voice as she asks the man.

"I was invited by your director."

"That's not what I mean. Why did you have to come show up at my work?!"

"Ellie, we are to be married soon. We should've been taking care of things between us. I would have shown myself earlier than this if your dad haven't told me not to."

"Well, you should've taken it to heart and not show up to me at all."

Their conversation was interrupted when another patron had passed by them.

Not wanting to make a ruckus on that place, the two went inside the VIP room that Bobbi had booked. It was one of the biggest lounge in the establishments, accommodating up to 30 persons at a time.

As the two enter, they were welcomed with all the teasing of El's colleagues. The young woman sat beside her coach Lea whilst the man occupied the seat in front of them. Darren was polite enough to ask permission from the Broadway star to take that seat.

After the group provided the crew on what would be their orders, Mikki Bradshaw, who was just sitting on the next table, then started to conduct her interview about the man.

"Say El, how come we didn't know you already have a boyfriend? We all knew you were single!"

The woman in question was frozen for a minute before she could say anything. This is just one of the few things she's trying to avoid. If only Darren didn't join them on this hangout, she will be able to brush off this kind of conversation easily.

"Well.. Our relationship is just fairly new." Ellie shyly answered.

"Oohh. So since when?" There was no stopping in Mikki's inquiry. Everybody knew that when Mikki started to put someone on her hot seat, there would be no end until all of her questions are satisfied.

By this time, Darren took it upon himself to divert the attention towards him as she could see El starting to feel uneasy.

"Well technically we have been together for three years. We just stopped seeing each other for a bit. But now we've rekindled our relationship back." Darren smiled as he answered smartly.

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