Chapter 39

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After their orders have been served, the four focused on eating as they maintained minimal conversation.

While the Salonga-Chien couple had their appetizers for a hot antipasto for two, Rebecca decided to have Cozze In Vino Bianco and Carpaccio Di Manzzo for her husband.

As their main courses have been brought one by one, they started to continue talking about Ellie.

"So Lea, I've heard you had a movie recently." Rebecca said.

"Yeah. It was actually El who wrote, directed and produced the film."

"She produced the whole movie?" Rebecca said in surprise. The Broadway star could only guess that her parents didn't know about that fact.

"Oh. She hasn't told you guys?" Lea felt bad that this information came from her and not directly from their own daughter.

Rebecca just shook her head. It was Eleazar who reasoned out on why they were not fully aware about it.

"Ellie doesn't really share much about what she's doing here in the Philippines. It was only her aunt Faye who gives us news about her."

"Well we could totally understand on why she doesn't. I mean it's about things that we're really not approved of. So of course, she would not be open to us about it."

"I see. But she's really good at it. The material was so good that it garnered local awards and remained the highest grossing film here in the country up to date." The Broadway star again defended her protege, showing how proud she is as El proves to be of so much talent.

"That's expected. Who would miss the comeback film of such a world class star like you." Rebecca said as she gives a smile that made Lea felt uncomfortable.

"But truly, Ellie is such a talented girl in all things she does. That's why we would like for her to come back with us abroad." Eleazar said. He took a bite of his medium rare steak that he ordered. His wife continued to laid out their tonight's agenda in inviting the Broadway veteran and her husband.

"And that leads us to the main topic we wanted to discuss with you. We've known that you guys have an idea on Ellie's whereabouts."

Lea took a gulp as the woman in front of her inquires where her protege is. She had already expected this, especially with videos of them together at the bar became viral overnight. She wanted to hide the location on where El is currently staying, but the singer knew that Rebecca deserves to know where their daughter is. They are Ellie's biological parents after all.

Good thing the Martinez' couple did not pressure Lea and Rob for the information, instead they let all themselves enjoy first the good food that was served to them.

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