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Oliver had thought a lot after Mr Schue announced they would be performing at Fridays assembly, and it was these very thoughts that drove him to Mr Schue's office. 

"I'm quitting glee. You can give me detention for the year, but I can't keep this up."

Despite Mr Schue's look of disapproval, Oliver was not backing down, there was no way in hell that he would be performing publicly. 

"I'll admit I'm shocked by your choice Oliver, it seemed like you were really enjoying yourself and finally branching out from your little bubble." 

"Sometime the branches are too far I guess. Look, it was fun while it lasted but if being in that club means performing in front of other people then I'm out."

The Spanish teacher nodded his head now understanding the situation much better, Oliver was afraid, but not of ruining his reputation like Finn, the boy in front of him had stage fright. 

"I get it, stage fright can be a big deal but you shouldn't let it stop you from pursuing your dreams. You've got a lot of talent Oliver, I'd hate to see you throw it away like this." 

"I'm sorry, my minds already made up. Good luck though, with finding members and everything." So with a tight smile, Oliver collected his belongings and shoved his hands in his denim jacket, heading for the door.

He had expected to be ambushed immediately by either Santana, Quinn or Rachel, but the boy was pleasantly surprised to see Finn Hudson waiting for him. 

"Wow, so you actually quit. Good for you man, I mean I think I'm still stuck singing disco at assembly on Friday but I totally support your decision." 

Oliver knew Finn wouldn't quit, the boy much preferring participating in glee than having drug possession on his criminal record, but Oliver wasn't too stressed. 

"Oh and I think Rachel totally has the hots for you, which is why I'm bringing you along to celibacy club. It'll give us something to do before football and who knows, maybe you'll get a little action?" Finn nudged the younger boy playfully with a wink, but the news only made Oliver panic. 

"Wait what? No! I I don't want any action with Rachel, and I really don't want to go to celibacy club. I've got... homework." Oliver knew, Finn was only being kind to him because Quinn had told him to do so, but as much as he hated to admit it, he enjoyed Finn's company. Had Oliver been told a few days ago that he'd be best buds with Finn Hudson, joining celibacy club and football, then he would have given a very dirty and skeptical look, but alas, here he was. The past few days had been hectic and the boy had been taken out of his comfort zone in many instances, and all of the chaos hasn't spared him any time to complain.

"When have you ever cared about homework?"

Sighing, Oliver was about to reply to Finn, but was distracted by a figure down the hallway. Finn noticed how spaced out the boy was and followed his gaze to see Santana Lopez, on her way to celibacy club herself. 

"Oh, I see you man... Santana's gonna be there too." 

Looking up at Finn, Oliver threw all rational thoughts out the window, his mind now consumed by the short cheerio skirts. "Homework can wait."

Walking into the empty classroom, a few quizzical looks were sent towards the unlikely duo of Finn and Oliver. Most of the boys were football players who were there to support their girlfriends, aside from Jacob Israel who just wanted the feel included. 

"I think I'm gonna kill myself. I'm serious. We're bombarded with sexual imagery every day- Beer ads, those short skirts. How am I supposed to be surrounded by temptation- Not be able to do anything about it?" Jacob complained with a glazed over stare, making the boys grow confused and rather uncomfortable in his presence.

"Are you kidding? Those skirts are crunchy toast. Santana Lopez bent over in hers the other day, and I swear I could see her ovaries."

Oliver wasn't too fond of this talk, the way all of the boys sexualised the girls they shared the halls with everyday. He'd admit that he was attracted to Santana, but he didn't think he could ever think of a girl as anything less than a human being like Noah Puckerman seemed to do. 

"Hey, what's your little pal doing here?" Whispered Puck to Finn, eying Oliver warily. The goofy smile took it's familiar place on Finn's lips. "I'm mentoring him, getting in Quinn's good books if you know what I mean. I've even convinced him to be our new wide receiver." Finn spoke with pride, earning a rather impressed nod from Puckerman. 

"The kid doesn't look like he could lift a soda can, what makes you think he's up for football?"

"Trust me, Olivers a good kid, kinda socially awkward and lanky, but the girls love him. He'll be good for the team." 

Half an hour had passed ever so slowly for Oliver perched upon a table hugging his knees, as he sat off to the side, watching the other boys converse. 

"Are you a lesbian?"Jacob suddenly asked the Fabray boy who contoured his face in confusion.

"I'm a dude." He stated as if it wasn't already obvious enough. 

"Then why do you paint you nails? Do you want to be a lesbian." 

Oliver could not believe the conversation he had found himself in, and even subconsciously curled his hands into fist, but he wasn't to sure if it was to hide his poorly painted black finger nails or because he wanted to bunch the boy who stood before him. 

Finn and Puck chuckled, watching the interaction, hoping that Oliver would in fact punch Jacob; who they all despised, for their own enjoyment. If Oliver Fabray could be anywhere else right now, he definitely would, the boy never imagining he would have found himself in a Celibacy Club meeting, only to be escorted by Finn Hudson in half an hour's time to the football field. He could feel himself changing, but he was unsure if it were for the better.

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