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The next day, Oliver was business as usual; head down and mouth shut as he made his was from one class to another. Although he did enjoy his experience with Rachel Berry in the auditorium the day prior, he was not too keen for it to happen again. This was nothing against the girl personally, Oliver simply wasn't a fan of any social interactions since his late friend Charlie. He too used to attend Mckinley and the two were attached at the hip, until Charlie stopped coming to school. Nobody ever spoke about what happened, and people learnt to steer clear from Oliver as he was not the same boy that he once was. After Charlie, Oliver became very cold, and easily agitated which is why he liked to keep to himself, he wouldn't hurt anybody. Even his sister spoke to him as little as she could.

The Fabray boy was currently reaching into his locker, his small white earphones in his ears as usual as he grabbed the books he needed. His eyes widened suddenly, as a bright white smile joined him at his side without a word. Rachel Berry. Oliver closed his eyes and drew a long and annoyed breath, not wanting to offend the girl. He took one bud from his ear and turned to her, raising his eyebrows and prompting the girl to speak. 

"Hello." Was all she said, the bright smile that rose to her eyes never faltering as she scanned down the boy in front of her. Oliver closed his locker with a sigh, trying his best to move around her. "Hey Rachel, I'd love to chat but I've actually got to get to class." His pace had picked up down the hallway as he felt the girl matching his speed and walking besides him. "That's fine. We can walk and talk. Look Oliver, what happened in the auditorium yesterday... well it was special, and I don't want to see talent like yours go to waste." Rolling his eyes, Oliver finally stopped and shifted his figure to look at Rachel. "I'm not wasting anything. Look, music... it was supposed to be my safe space, just for me. So can you just do us both a favour and leave me alone?" Oliver continued on his journey, this time without Rachel following behind him, who stood alone in the busy hallway with a thoughtful look on her face. She debated with herself, follow after him? Let him cool off? She was determined to know this boy, and to help him, and Rachel Berry would never shy away from a challenge.

Olivers head however was somewhere else. He felt bad for snapping at Rachel like that but in his head, it was justified. Oliver enjoyed being alone, especially in the auditorium after hours writing songs, it was his escape and he only hoped that Rachel would keep her distance so he could keep the one thing that made him feel alive to himself. 

Oliver used to be a very popular and sociable kid, but something happened that made him afraid. He was afraid to open up to anybody about anything, including his parents who insisted he see a shrink, but the boy refused. He knew he would never be the same kid that he was before and he also knew it was a waste of time seeing some psychologist who would inevitably tell him to look on the bright side and move on. How could Oliver ever really move on? He knew the hole in his stomach and his soul would stay with him until he died, but music filled that hole. Oliver just wasn't ready to share these feelings with anybody. 


By the time Oliver's lunch period had arrived, the boy was exhausted. He knew he had reached a breaking point, he had over due homework, assholes knocking into him in the hallways, and now, Rachel Berry on his ass. 

Oliver always tried to make himself seem as unapproachable as possible, especially in the bustling cafeteria. With earbuds blasting the loudest music on his playlist, a book in hand, and a ratted beanie that nearly covered his eyes, Oliver felt completely shut off from the world. Just the way he liked it. But of course, his bliss was short lived has a red lunch tray being slammed down besides him made Oliver tear his eyes away from his book. 

He looked up to see that the new presence on his table was none other than Rachel Berry, the girl who he had been actively avoiding all day.  

"Jesus Christ, you're persistent." The Fabray boy mumbled, rolling his eyes and taking out on of his earbuds, giving the girl his full attention. 

"Thank you, I do believe persistency is one of my strongest character traits." Rachel responded proudly, and making herself at comfortable on Oliver's small lunch table.  

Everybody knew the table practically belonged to Oliver Fabray, and how could it not. It was secluded in the back corner of the cafeteria with graffiti layered across it's surface. Oliver leaned closer to Rachel who didn't seem at all bothered by the intense and curious stares from their peers. It was strange to see Oliver interacting with anybody, let alone Rachel Berry who was his polar opposite in every way.

"Rachel, look-" He whispered to the girl but was interrupted by two more lunch trays being placed on the table. Oliver looked up at them with wide eyes, what the hell was going on? "Oh my god, you will never believe what happened to me in English this morning." Spoke a girl, she had black hair and dark skin and the clothes she wore just screamed 'look at me' in Oliver's opinion. The boy standing next to her looked as if he were apart of the royal family, sporting many flamboyant accessories and not a single hair on his head out of place. 

"Oh Oliver, meet Mercedes Jones and Kurt Hummel." Introduced Rachel, the large smile on her face never faltering. "And here come Artie and Tina!" Just as the words left her mouth, two others joined their table, making themselves at home as if they had been invited. Oliver felt frozen, his eyes darted between each new person who sat at his table, who seemed unbothered by everybody whispering and giggling about the group. 

"So you must be Rocket Man." Questioned Mercedes, gaining the attention of the entire table. Oliver couldn't find any words to reply to the girl, he was still rather shell shocked about the whole situation unfolding before his eyes, and so he just stared at her, his jaw slack and eyes bulging out of their sockets. 

"Well, it was Tiny Dancer actually, but I'm sure Oliver can perform any Elton John flawlessly. Right Oliver?" 

Hearing his name come out of Rachel's mouth seemed to pull the boy back into reality, admittedly he hadn't heard a word of their conversation because he was far too confused an uncomfortable with the full table in front of him.

"Huh?" He questioned dumbfounded, looking at Rachel. The table erupted in laughter at the boys cluelessness, making him grow more uncomfortable. "I was just telling Mercedes about our Tiny Dancer performance last night, maybe you could use it as your audition song for glee club?" The girl innocently suggested. 

"You're auditioning for glee?" Questioned Kurt Hummel who leant forward, intrigued by the topic of discussion.  

"What? No." Oliver wondered how his day turned so badly so quickly. Not only was his lunch table full of strangers, but now Rachel had told everyone what happened in the auditorium yesterday. 

"B-b-but we could r-realy use more m-members." Stuttered (who Oliver only assumed was) Tina. All the attention now seemed to be on Oliver, the entire group somehow had the idea that he was auditioning for glee club, and all the poor boy wanted was some peace and quiet. 

"Yeah, and it'd be good to have another guy on the team." The boy in the wheelchair commented, earning nods from his teammates. 

Oliver couldn't take it anymore. The shock had subsided and now had turned into pure anger and annoyance. He never wanted to be associated with any of these people, he never wanted to be associated with anyone, so he was furious that this group of strangers had assumed they were now his friend and could sit with him at lunch. 

"No! No, I don't care about you're stupid club. And I don't know where the invite to sit with me came from, but I don't want you here,  and I don't want to be your friend!" Oliver's outburst had made the table go quiet, each person waiting for another to make the first move and say something, but nobody did. So Oliver rose from his seat and angrily collected his belonging, storming out of the cafeteria. 

The glee club looked between one another, still unsure what to say, and it was Kurt who broke the silence. "Well didn't go well." 

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