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Oliver felt much more visible than usual after his outburst at lunch, the eyes of his peers were trained on him as his stood in front of his open locker, grabbing out his belongings. 

The locker was extremely disorganised and had looked like a bomb exploded within it, he had ripped out pages from his note book stuck on the inside of the door and random stickers and magnets he had managed to collect, making the area more him

The boy was tired, he was still catching breath from storming out of the cafeteria. As much as he hated to admit it, Oliver did feel guilty for saying what he did to the glee club members. They all seemed like nice people, but the boy was tossed in the deep end and put into a situation he was not quite ready for, and if Oliver was one thing; it was stubborn, so he would not be apologising any time soon. 

When Oliver saw his sister approaching him with fire in her eyes and her friend Santana by her side, his eye's widened, knowing he was most likely in for quite a lecture. 

Slamming the metal lock door shut in a hurry, the boy gripped his bag straps tightly before turning on his heels in a poor attempt to walk away from the two girls. The duo had caught up with him, forcefully linking their arms with both of his arms on either side, trapping him between them. 

"We saw your little break down earlier, and I must say little greasy ball of angst, that you can colour me impressed." Began Santana in her usual tone. Oliver wasn't too acquainted with the girl but he had heard plenty of stories about her brutal insults, the boy was always pleasantly surprised when he spoke to her; finding that the Lopez girl seemed somewhat nice in his presence. 

"As much as i love to see you actually socialising with people, it can't be with them. You see the glee club are below plankton on Mckinley's food chain and having you associated with them is bad for everybody."  Quinn cared an awful lot about her own image and her brothers, although they had been distant lately, she truly did love Oliver and wanted to protect him in anyway that she could. 

"I'm not friends with them and I'm never gonna be friends them." The Fabray boy muttered, shifting uncomfortably as a result of both the two girls who kept him in their grasp tightly and the stares he received walking down the hallway with two of the most popular cheerleaders. 

"Good, let's keep that mindset because if you do that makes you look bad, and if you look bad; I look bad... Look I can talk to Puckerman if you really want friends, you know why? Because we may not be the best of friends but I'm still your big sister and I will continue to protect from the big bad world." 

"No, don't talk to Puck." Oliver insisted, finally standing his ground and making the trio stop.   Quinn and Santana let go of his arms and turned to stand in front of him, waiting for what he would say next. "I know this is all about you looking good and that's fine, but I'm not ready to put myself out there yet. Not with Puck or with glee or anybody okay. Your reputation stays squeaky clean."

Pushing between the two girls, Oliver rolled his eyes and went on his way, leaving the two cheerio's to watch his retreating figure. They turned to each other with softened glances knowing it was best for everyone to simply drop the subject, Oliver has been through enough and if he wasn't ready then that was up to him. 

"I'm gonna talk to Finn, see if he can help." Quinn sighed crossing her arms over her chest. 

"But the guy just said he wasn't ready to put himself out there, maybe you should just give him his space?" Santana suggested, surprisingly feeling actual sympathy for her friend. Quinn shook her head at Santana's rebuttal. "He's had his space for months. I think a good role model could really help him out."

"And you think that person is Finn? Woodland creature, candy for brains - Finn Hudson?"

Quinn was starting to warm up to her own idea despite Santana's distaste. Oliver needed someone to look up to and guide him in the right direction; a mentor perhaps. Although everyone knew Finn was extremely awkward and goofy, the Fabray girl knew he had all the right qualities and intentions to get Oliver back on his feet. 

Though Oliver would never admit it, he did appreciate Quinn's concern; she was his sister after all. However hanging around guys like Noah Puckerman was certainly not on his to-do list, he could not stand the guy and his lack of morals and hygiene. Oliver also continued to ponder the members of glee, and Quinn and Santana's hate for the bunch. They didn't seem like bad people at all, a little full on? Sure. But they seemed kind, like they actually wanted to be his friend. 

Shaking his head, Oliver refused to feel sorry for snapping at the club. He was taken off guard and did not appreciate being bombarded the way he was. But this was exactly his problem, the boy would push away anybody in the hopes of protecting himself, even if the people he was pushing away seemed genuinely concerned for his wellbeing. 

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