Chapter Four: Tree of Life Assault.

Start from the beginning

Ono enters the tree. Kion, Rani, we're under attack. Kion and Rani stop playing and run outside. Azzad runs to Sabor, I can smell the lions, "Sabor said as a tramples in fear they are here. alright but please help me fight. both Azzad and Sabor runs to to the battle. Fuli sees the others are coming and also sees Makini running up too. now we got a fair fight, Azzad. Ajax pounces at Rani, Kion sees Simba taking on three lions, Dad, don't worry about me Kion, I got this, your queen needs you dough, Kion sees Ajax has pounced on Rani, Get off of her, Kion pounces on Ajax, Ah Kion, What a surprise. It's not a surprise you Ajax, now leave my land, leave when we just got here Kion, no way. we're taking over your land. No you're not. Simba still taking on three lions. Nala runs over to Simba, We'll do this like old times, Simba agrees, Nala jumps over Simba and pounces one of the three lions, Simba easily beats the other two lions, Fuli is being chased by Ajax's brother, Azzad, Now, Azzad jumps out of the bush and knocks down Ajax's brother, Beshte and Baliyo takes on 2 lions and takes them down. Nirmala, takes down another lion. Bunga uses his stink on Ajax's two sons. and then taken down by Surak. Kion and Rani takes down Ajax, loom around Ajax, you you're losing,

I don't think so Kion. Ajax gets back up, You're all back with me now, Ajax's pride gets together in one group, Kion, everyone behind me. Kion uses the roar to get rid of the lions. The lions fly away form the Tree of Life. Kion, We got one down. what who, Sabor broke his left front leg Beshte puts Sabor on his back and brings him to the tree, Rani, Kion Nirmala, Simba, and Ezekiel follows them.

 They walk into the tree. Nirmala looks on Sabor's leg. It's pretty broke. Nirmala grabs some leafs and put it on Sabor's leg. What will this do Nirmala? "Sabor asked". This will reduce the pain. Ezekiel look at the roots of the tree. um, something looks familiar here. Ezekiel puts his staff on the roots. His staff starts to glow revealing an orb on the top of his staff. The roots open up revealing another orb hiding in the roots. I thought this orb was the only one. Rani looks at the green orb, What is it? "she asks". This is the orb of healing. "Ezekiel says". So the tree heals everyone with this orb? "Nirmala asks". Ezekiel uses his staff to close the roots re hiding the orb. well can I see how the healing works? "Ezekiel asks". Sure. Nirmala puts her left paw on the roots, it start to glow red and then Nirmala puts her right paw on Sabor's broken leg, Ezekiel puts his staff near Sabor's leg and sees the healing for himself. well the tree of life is amazing in many ways. Fuli looks at Kion, Alright everyone, sense those lions found this land, I doubt  they will stop attacking us.

Back a Ajax, Ajax flies away through the mountains back to where he was. What do we do now father? "Ajax's older son said". We attack again later, right now with the help of Simba, they are too powerful but once he leaves I want you to go follow Simba to the pride lands and bring my brother and 3 other lions with you, this would mean that Simba won't come back and help. meanwhile I'll stay here and just wait for him to leave. What about the roar father? "Ajax's youngest son said". The lion, you guys keep attacking the rest of the guards. you just leave that lion with the roar to me.

Back at the tree of life. Two weeks after the first attack. Simba is getting ready to leave the tree of Life. Kion, I got to go back to the pride lands, I can't keep Kiara and Kovu in charge forever. "Simba said before walking off". Be careful dad. "Kion said worryingly". I will son, but you be careful. Simba walks out of the through the mountain pass.

Ajax looks closely, alright now follow him to his home but don't let him know that you're following him. Yes father. Ajax's oldest son signals 4 lions to follow him. As Simba walks through the canyon, he gets the feeling of being followed. He looks back, nothing but a few leaves moving around. Simba keeps heading back but at a faster pace now.

When Simba returns to the pride lands. He see Kiara and Kovu at pride rock. Kovu sees that Simba has returned. Simba you're back, it's been a while. Yeah it has. but I might need some more lions with us. "Simba said". Why is that dad? "Kiara asked Simba". When we entered the Tree of Life. It was under attack by a group of lions. Zazu flies down talks to Simba. There is a strange lion heading into the pride lands. No, they must have followed us. "Nala said". Kiara get Vitani and her guard. "Simba ordered".

Simba runs to the edge of the out lands. he sees nothing. Vitani runs and her lion guard runs to Simba, What's going on Simba. "she asked". Apparently evil lions followed us back to the pride lands. I need you to be on portal all the time because now the pride lands are under attack. Vitani nodded.

Back at the Tree of Life, Ezekiel climbs up Makini's tree. Ezekiel sees Makini painting on the wall. What are a drawling Makini. "Ezekiel said". Just stuff the has happened today, wait who are you. wow. What is that on top of your staff. Makini keeps asking a lot of questions to Ezekiel. Okay Makini I'll stop you there, this staff is not just a staff, this orb powers up anything that is touches. "Ezekiel said" Oh, my staff just makes the paintings move and lets me hear the lions of the past. "Makini said". My staff can do that too but I don't really talk to them. but I can do this with it dough. Ezekiel puts his staff up into the air and it's start to glow. The staff brings out Mufasa looking down at the tree.

Mufasa. how did you bring him through the clouds. As I told you Makini, it's the orb, It allows anyone to see him and it can even bring the evil lions up through fire too but I would not do that if I were you. "Ezekiel said". I know, one of my old staffs brought back Scar in fire. "Makini said"

Back to Kion and Rani, they both are in the tree talking about the attack. This lion, Ajax I might have led him here from my journey back. He threatened Ezekiel if he didn't show him his secrete and his secrete was me, so I went out to reveal my self. When I went back, I didn't see him following us back. This is the second time I lead enemies to the Tree of Life. Kion started to regret his decision. Kion, even if you didn't lead him here, they were probably going to attack anyway, I think one of those lions were responsible for my parents deaf, but I think we can defend the Tree of Life. "Rani said". But what if we can't defeat them? "Kion asked". Kion, don't say that, even when everything looks gone. their is still hope for winning. "Rani said trying to encouraging Kion". Could I have time to my self for a little bit. "Kion asked". Sure Kion. "Rani said".

Kion walks outside of the tree. Grandfather Mufasa. Clouds start to spin around and Mufasa appears in the middle. Yes Kion, I am here. Grandfather, there has been an attack here by a lion named Ajax, What if I lost the kingdom. Kion, even when you do lose your kingdom, there will always be hope on defeating your enemies, remember your father defeated Scar to save his land, even when everything was lost, Simba was able to bring everything back to balance once he defeated my brother. and then you defeated him too when he came back as fire. Okay but one more question. Before Kion could say anything else, Mufasa quickly disappears as Rani walks out of the tree. She just sees clouds disappearing.

Grandfather, wait. Kion sighs and looks down. Rani comes to Kion comforting him, Kion, What were a bout to ask Mufasa? "She asked". oh nothing. "Kion said". Kion hears something in the air. Kion, talk to her, she will help you too. Kion takes a deep breath. What if I lost my friends from these attacks, my family, Kion tries to hold in tears, What if I lose you. Kion sheds a tear, I don't want to lose you, Rani wipes Kion's tear away with her paw. Kion, you will never lose me. She gives him a kiss on his check. Kion feels a little better. Rani hugs Kion, I'm afraid of losing you too Kion.

Kion and Rani sees the sun starting to set and enters to tree. They jump on the rock, Kion and Rani lays on their usual spots. Kion, come over here. Kion looks at her and then scoots next to her. They cuddle up for the night.

Back to Ajax, Alright, it's night time. so we attack again now. with Simba gone, It will be easier to take over the land for my mate and my cubs.

End of chapter 4

The Tree of Life had it's first attack and now the Pridelands could be under attack too. Ezekiel has unseen powers and the healing powers in the tree is not only from the tree. it just contains the power to heal by an orb.

A reminder, Makini and Ezekiel will not be shipped together. Makini is a teen mandrill and Ezekiel is an elder Mandrill. but they both do play an important roll on this story.

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