Chapter 36: A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Unknown's POV

"Love? Love, where are you? Stop playing games!" the man with long dark brown hair and brown eyes eyes called out for his wife.

"I'm in the bedroom, silly," his wife replied.

He walked into he bedroom only to come face to face with his wife. A woman with a lighter shade of brown hair and gold eyes.

She laid on the bed with her hands over her bulged stomach and beside her laid a small baby.

The features all over the man's face softened at the sight of his gorgeous pregnant wife and his baby daughter.

He sat down beside his wife and daughter. The little baby was bundled up and wrapped in a pale blue blanket.

He turned towards his wife. Her gorgeous eyes were staring straight into his eyes.

"Darling?" he breathed out onto her lips as his wife leaned into him close, lips brushing against each other's.

"What?" she breathed out as well, breath fanning against his lips.

"Nothing," he replied before finally closing his eyes and slamming his lips onto his wife's.

The sweet taste of her lips against his sent his heart into a wild frenzy. His heart rammed against his ribcgcage ready to jump out at any moment.

He felt lightheaded and dizzy from the amount of love and affection he was receiving from his wife.

He could stay like this forever, just him and his wife forever, lips locked together, savoring the taste of each other and just showing affection to each other in their own way.

But of course, there's still this thing called "air" that just loves to interrupt.

"We do still need to breath, sweetheart. If we're gone then who'll take care of our children?" she joked.

He merely laughed along with his wife. If only he had known, that there would come a day where their children will have to survive in a tiwsted and disgusting world without them but with people who love almost as much they do.
Khun's POV

"How is she, doctor?" I asked the doctor who had been tending to Annie a few moments ago.

"She's exhausted. According to my statistics checks, she hasn't slept for 3 days straight and has been running merely in caffeine. She also hasn't been eating properly. Her weight is go down terribly.

All she needs is some well needed rest and food. But for now, she's still unconscious and she might wake up after quite while as she doesn't have even an ounce energy now," the doctor said.

I glanced at Annie. "Thank you, doctor," I thanked before walking towards her bed and sitting on the chair beside her ward room bed.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" I murmured as I clasped her hand in mine and sat there, staring at her gorgeous face in her sleeping form.

"Please wake up, Annie," he pleaded as he laid his head beside their interwined hands.
Annie's POV

"Where am I?" I asked myself as I walked throught he long hallways endless red themed hallways. That is, before realization hit me like a speeding train.

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