Chapter 13: "Don't Do That To Me Ever Again,"

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Annie's POV

"Annie! You have disappointed me greatly! You are friends with an abandoned son of Khun! How dare you befriend such a disgrace!" my Dad shouted right in my face. He was sitting on the throne. He was glaring intensely at me.

"Dad... Aguero and I have always been friends... You used to approve. What's the matter of us being friends now?" I asked.

"Are you still going to befriend that abandoned son of Khun?!" Dad shouted right in my face. I flinched slightly at the volume of his voice.

"Yes, I will still befriend him. It's my choice to befriend him or not! You may be my father but you have no right to make my choices for me!" I shouted in his face.

"Fine, you leave me no choice," he said darkly. I had a slight feeling of dread in my stomach. It was getting unsettling. Very unsettling.

"Guards! Bring in the boy!" Dad... No, I won't be calling him that anymore, father ordered the guards.

My eyes widened in dread. I was panicking immediately. I could feel a full on panic attack coming on.

"FATHER!!! NO!!! FATHER PLEASE DON'T DO ANYTHING TO HIM!!!" I shouted. The panic rising in my heart. I was totally full on having a panic attack. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. My eyes blurred over.

Aguero walked in and immediately took my hand in his. "Will you still stay friends with my daughter even if I threatened you with your life?" father asked.

"Yes, I will. Kill me if you want but I will remain her best friend. Always," Aguero answered bravely. My eyes widened more at this. My panic attack becoming more evident.

"Aguero! No!" I exclaimed. He squeezed my hand tighter to reassure me. "I'm not breaking off our friendship," he said so sweetly that my heart literally broke.

The guards pulled me away. Tears streaming down my cheeks. My knees were weak and I fell to the marble floor of the throne room. Tears streaming down my cheeks non stop.

Father summoned a shinsu black sphere and threw it at Aguero. He flew back at the intensity of the sphere. His body lay limp but it was evident that his chest was rising and falling, barely.

I ran over to him and knelt beside his bloodied body. His clothes were torn. I placed his head on my lap.

"Aguero... Aguero... Stay with me for awhile... Open your eyes... Look me in the eyes.... Please Aguero... Please... I beg of you," I cried. My tears fell onto his bloodied face.

He opened his eyes. Ice bergs met the deep depths of the ocean. He cupped my cheek. Then said something that made my heart stop. Right there and then.

"I love you,"


I woke up in cold sweat. I was breathing heavily. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I looked around me. I was in a room that looked like a hospital room.

"Thank Jahad. It was only a nightmare," I muttered to myself.

"Yeah, you go on first crocodile. I'll catch up with you later. I need to check up on Annie," I heard Aguero's voice outside of the door of the room.

Aguero entered and I felt my heart dance in relief. I let out a sigh of relief. Aguero stood shocked in front of my bed. Suddenly, a smile broke out on his face and he ran over to my bedside and hugged me tight.

"I though you were gonna die! You witch!" he exclaimed with his face buried in my shoulder and my face buried in his chest. I felt the part of my hospital dress on my shoulder dampen. I cried happily in his chest, happy that his death was only a nightmare and that he was alive and well.

"I missed you," I whispered into his ear. I felt him shudder slightly.

I could feel him smirk into my shoulder. He raised his lips to my ear.

"I missed you the most," he whispered. His breath right beside my ear caused me to shudder lightly. He kissed my cheek lightly then trailed his lips to my ear, biting it lightly. He then kissed my neck and released the hug finally so that he could have a look at my tomato red face.

"You bastard," I muttered.

"Love you too, darling," he said with a chuckle as he looked at my tomato red face.

He engulfed me in a hug yet again and whispered into my ear yet again.

"Don't do that to me ever again,"

After editing:
Okay... This chapter felt so messed up for me in the old version of the book cause they were literally twelve in the old version... Messed up much? Yeah, I know. That was one of the main reasons I wanted to unpublish and rewrite the story.

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