Chapter 19: As Platonic as it Can Be

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Annie's POV

I walked to my shared dorm with Aguero. I was ranking as the best seed. I wasn't beat up much from the little shinsu strengthening tests Yuga gave but I was more beat up by the fact that the wound on the small of my back was killing me even if I pushed myself a little out of the normal limit.

"You alright?" Aguero asked me as soon as he saw me jump onto the couch and bury my face into the cushions.

"My wound hurts! Damn, I only pushed myself a little not that much either!" I complained.

The boy was sitting in the armchair in the living room, reading a book.

"Mind me checking?" he asked softly as I felt his presence on the floor beside the couch I was laying on.

"Knock yourself out. Might need to change the bandages though if it's bleeding too much again," I warned.

"Pfft. Its just bandages and blood, no need to warn me as though I haven't done nor seen those stuff before," he replied.

He lifted both my cardigan and tank top to get a look at the wound. The touch of his cold fingers against my skin sent chills to my spine and sirens ringing in my head. I didn't understand the sirens much. He's my best friend, why the hell would there be sirens ringing in my head?

"Its over bleeding again. You should tone it down with your use of shinsu during classes, its not like you're fighting anyone to the death," Aguero started his worrying speech.

He ripped the bloodied old bandages and started to clean the wound.

"Damnit, Annie! I swear, if you don't tone it down with your use of shinsu I myself will lock you in that room of yours and lock the dorm door behind me tomorrow morning. I'll also inform Lero Ro as well," he continued on.

"You do know that you're not my mum right? You don't need to worry so much, the only reason I went into the damn coma wasn't because of the wound it was because of my over use of shinsu," I said.

"That's exactly what I mean!" he scolded.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, I swear-!" he was cut off by me.

"The hell?! Who are you?! Mad-Eye Moody?!" I exclaimed.

"Who the hell is that dude?!" Aguero exclaimed, as he stopped cleaning the wound that should be blood free by now.

"Nothing, I was just making up some gibberish to get you to shut up," I said.

"Whatever. Sit up," he ordered.

I sat up and glared at him. "Annie? Be a darling and take off that cardigan of yours will you?" he requested.

I sighed before slipping off my cardigan and tossing it into the armchair he had been sitting on. It landed on top of his book.

I held up my tank top and he started to wrap the bandages around the small of my back.

He made sure to make it extra thick so that the next time the wound bleeds out it doesn't get all over on my clothing.

I held up my tank top a little higher so that I could get a little look at Aguero's bandaging skills.

"Not bad. If this had happened when we were younger, I swear you would've made me a literal mummy, " I complimented before roasting him.

He shook his head before smiling and pulling down my tank top so that it covered whatever skin it had been exposing.

"I'm a guy, you know and I'm not gay," he said as he started to stand up.

I frowned. "You're saying that as if I shouldn't trust you," I said.

Aguero faltered for a second.

"Maybe... Maybe you shouldn't," he said before casting his gaze away from my eyes.

"Well, I do and there's nothing you can do to change that," I interjected.

"Annie, we're not the two kids that we used to be. Damn, you don't look alike to that flat-chested cute girl I knew back then," as he said this he ran a hand through his hair.

"You're being ridiculous! Of course, we don't look the same like we did back then. We're literally eighteen now! Puberty literally hit us like a freaking train!" I exclaimed.

"Look... That's one of the reasons why I'm telling you to create at least a few boundaries and limits when it comes to me. I'm a guy that's you're best friend. I don't want either of us falling for each other. I want to keep this whole thing as platonic as I can. Flirting stays meaningless flirting and teasing stays meaningless teasing," Aguero said.

What the hell is wrong with this dude??? Did I make him brain dead using shinsu in that arena??? I thought.

Everyone's reaction whenever they see the pens must be like "Damnit! Cliffhanger!"!

Ohhh! Drama! I likey! Now both the old readers and new readers are suffering from drama!

I also only have you guys a limited amount of fluff up there. What do you guys think? How platonic would those two be able to keep their friendship? Or will everything just crumble and end up with one of them pinned to the wall and the other snogging the living daylights out of them? Is so, who will end up as who? I'm curious to see you answers!

Anis the Unknown

HerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora