Chapter 28: Friends

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Annie's POV

"Mr Lauroe is quite vague just now when he was speaking to me," Bam said as he sighed and layed flat on his back on his bed.

I laughed as I sat down beside him. "That's Lauroe, alright," I said, laughing as I did.

He looked up at me and gave me a look. Just then, Aguero entered the room and plopped down on the other side of Bam.

"Urgh! Class was boring!!!" he complained before laying down beside the younger boy.

I rolled my eyes before laying down, myself.

"Where's Rak?" I asked.

"I saw him in the corridor. He was shouting 'I'm going back to the wild, turtles! Don't you dare try and stop me!'. I guess something happened in his class," Aguero said, mimicking Rak as he recalled what the crocodile had said.

The three of us laughed together.

"What did Lero teach?" I asked.

"Finding info. That's basically it. We need to find and gather info about the regulars that intrigue us," he said.

"That's basically invading personal space and info," I stated.

"For the greater good of your own team. If it were a battle, that is," he said.

I rolled my eyes. Bam who was between us, laughed suddenly, causing the two of us to turn and look at him.

"You guys are funny!" he exclaimed.

I frowned before smirking and pinning the boy down on the bed. "Oh, really? And what makes you think so?" I teased.

Bam wasn't blushing somehow he looked as though this was normal, I've never pinned him down before. I felt like I was like family with Bam. As though he were home.

That's weird.

"The two of you are surely made for each other!" he exclaimed happily before laughing again.

I frowned before rolling off of him and laying back down beside him. Aguero was glaring lightly at Bam and then he glared at me.

I frowned at him. "Don't go all yandere on us, if you do I swear to Jahad-!" I mouthed.

He frowned before turning away. "What makes you say Khun and I are made for each other?" I asked Bam turning to him.

"You two are so close to each other! Of course, the two of you are childhood best friends but Ms Endorsi says that the two of you would look great as a couple!" Bam exclaimed.

I smiled before bonking Bam's head.

"Don't listen to Endorsi too much, you might lose you're brain cells from talking too much to her," I said with a laugh.

A knock was heard on the door causing the three of us to sit up. We looked at the door then looked back at each other.

I went and opened the door as Shibisu and Hatz barged in.

"Annie! You're here too!" Shibisu exclaimed.

"Indeed, I am," I stated with a posh voice making us all laugh together just to break the ice.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" I continued as I eyed the two men.

"We want to become friends with you!" Shibisu exclaimed.

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