Chapter 11: The Last Round

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Annie's POV

  Khun and I sat side by side on the arm of the throne as we conversed silently about our childhood days and new fighting techniques that we have learnt. We were waiting for the next round to start, for the last round to start.

  Rak was quite confident that we would win the last round. Khun, Bam and I were much more sensible. We knew that the strong people would be coming out in the last round. Even then, Bam had confidence in us that we would win no matter what.

  "Regulars! The last round is starting! Those who wish to enter please press the red button. I wish you all luck! I also wish the 4 man cell good luck as well!" Lero Ro announced the last round.





  Numerous beeps rung throughout the game room as teams pressed the red button inside their waiting rooms. Rak was the first to take up a fighting stance. Khun and I quickly took up a fighting stance whilst we stood in front of Bam.

  We were ready for anything that was about to attack us. As the regulars entered the game room I noticed that almost half of the game room were filled to the rim by the hundreds of regulars. I shared a look with Khun. We nodded to each other before running headfirst into the battle. 

  Rak was hitting regulars left and right. Khun was slashing anyone who went near him with his dagger. I, on the otherhand, was sparring six men with my needle. I slashed left and right at anyone who wished to hurt me whilst I was sparring. 

  I managed to defeat all six men swiftly. Just then, I noticed that Khun was having trouble taking down five men at the same time with only a dagger. 

  "Khun! Switch!" I shouted to him as I threw my needle then he threw his dagger to me. We both caught the weapons and continued fighting again. 

  I slashed at anyone who dared to near the throne. Bam was merely staring at us with pure worry shining in his eyes. Rak was doing alright. I noticed a woman with long blood red hair who was wearing a black leotard and was wearing a mask on her face. She was running towards Bam with a swift pace. 

   I frowned and went to block her with Khun's dagger. She was carrying a baton. Her baton and Khun's dagger clashed together. Khun noticed my struggling because of the length of the dagger.

  He threw my needle back to me. I caught it as I threw his dagger back to him. He caught it and continued fighting as my needle continued to clash with the leotard's baton. She certainly is a valiant fighter but everyone here knows that a daughter of Jahad is much more stronger than any regular. 

  I boosted my energy with shinsu and pushed her back. That was when I noticed two figures in brown cloaks fighting all of the regulars there swiftly. One of the cloaked figures were advancing towards Bam and the throne. I ran towards the cloaked figure and was about to slash the figure with my needle. 

  A random cloaked figure came over and blocked my attack with the person's own needle but my needle managed to slash the figure's hood off. 

 "ENDORSI?!" I shouted, shocked. I had invited Endorsi to climb the Tower with me but she had refused saying that she wanted to continue training back at the castle. Seemed like Headon forced her to climb the Tower. 

  Endorsi's eyes widened and she pulled the cloaked figure behind her to my side. "We don't want the crown. We just wanna help you," Endorsi said urgently as she slashed at anyone who dared to come near us. 

  I frowned at aimed my needle at her face. "Lie to me and I will slash you face off," I threatened her before jumping back onto the battlefield. 

  A few minutes of fighting passed and we managed to defeat almost everyone. Khun and Rak were handling the stronger guys who seem to fall then get back up each time. Just then, the leotard was about to smash the cloaked figure that Endorsi saved on the head, Bam jumped off the throne, making the crown on his head fall off his head. 

  The baton that was aimed for the cloaked figure's head hit Bam's head before Khun, Rak and I could do anything about it. 

  Bam's scream rang thoughout the game room. His voice somehow controlled the shinsu around him and slashed the leotard's mask in half and blinded one of her eyes. Just then, a pain spread through the small of my back and I fell to my knees. A scream of pain erupted from my lips and I could feel tears slipping my eyes and down my cheeks from the pain.

  I could feel the shinsu in the area lowering to a dangerous rate. 


  And everything went black...

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