Agitated Insincts 1: Can you not?

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Thank you to everyone who was involved in writing this.

Myre_0 was so awesome as our editor. Thanks you so much.

Doc looks down at his notes and frowns. Ever since Bdubs had finished his transformation the Meteor has been unusually active, particles floating off it in a ray of colors, sizes and texture. He stands up and grabs his bag stuffing the papers inside. He heads over to spawn island to do a regular check.

As he arrives he frowns at the meteor, "You really messed Bdubs up, you know that?"

Since the meteor could communicate through the communicator network, Doc had installed a screen that is connected to the system so he can yell at the meteor easier. The screen flicks on, "Of course I know, you were all getting used to me, so he gets a nasty transformation."

"You're a sadistic bastard, you know that?" Doc hisses as he glares at the meteor.

"You would be wise not to test me, I have been holding back and while your Vex friends might not let me do anything horrible. You cannot stop me so, watch your tongue," At that, the screen goes dark.

Doc glares at the dull hunk of space rock as he's filled with a sense of absolute dread. Hissing he returns to the observation deck. Keeping one eye one the meteor he carefully files his papers and locks down the compound for the night.

Hissing softly to himself Doc flys over to his base and falls asleep.

The next morning he is awoken by a very sleepy and annoyed Bdubs who pulls him out of his nest.

"What's sup?" Doc asks, basically still asleep, slurring words together, "Nothing else happened to you right?"

"Nothing, but um, the meteor told everyone who's been affected to go to the commercial district," Bdubs stammers as he shoves his communicator into Doc's face.

Doc grabs the device and reads the message; "It seems that I've been challenged. I wonder if your precious Vex will be able to fix what I'm going to do? Anyhow, I want everyone who's been affected to get to your shopping district. If you're not affected yet stay on the mainland for now." Doc snaps to alertness and begins to walk towards his portal with Bdubs.

"Everyone's agreed to listen. The non-affected bunch are going to stay on the road right on the mainland," Bdubs explains as they walk through the nether.

As they arrive the rest of the affected hermits are huddled together. A few minutes later everyone's communicator buzzes, "I'm surprised, you all listened so well. Let's get started, one quick thing, don't go in the nether, I'm not going to tell you what I'm doing but it should be fairly obvious once we get started," And with that Ren, Jevin, Bdubs, and Cub collapse, and Mumbo's eyes shut off as he powers down.

Ren growls in pain as he's forced to shift. He doesn't put up too much of a fuss during the transformation as he knows the more he resists the more pain it'll cause him.

Unfortunately for him, Cub isn't as used to transforming and he struggles. As fur quickly overtakes him, he tries to fight off the transformation. There's a sickening snap as his legs change. It takes seconds to complete, and Cub is forced back into his lion form.

For Mumbo things are a little different, his eyes shut off and System Resetting flashes across his vision. As he comes back on line the metal spreads across his face. He slowly straightens up and stands unmoving, waiting for the others to transform before he does anything.

Nothing really happens to Jevin, he loses grip on his 'humanoid' form and slips down into a puddle of bright blue slime. He attempts to reform and finds it impossible to do anything more than a lump.

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