Chapter 15-5: Bar and Grill Fight

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(A/N: a quick shout out to my fellow Alpha-Bliss member and friend Quebec Three QueenZain3 for giving me the idea suggestion)

(A few days later)

Y/N was at the business firm doing his usual tasks, but his mind has been running through one certain moment; that moment was when he stopped a thief at the mall, and the bag belonged to his ex-girlfriend Alexa Bliss. However, the one that topped the most was when the Goddess tearfully hugged him from behind.

Y/N shook his head to snap back into reality as he continued to do his work.

(Lunch break)

As the pure wrestling fan, he received a phone call from someone he knew. Y/N smiled as he recognized the name as his Air Force buddy and fellow wrestling fan, 1st Lt. Pete Mitchell also known by his call sign, "Maverick."

Pete: lieutenant

Y/N: lieutenant

Pete: how are you doing, Y/N?

Y/N: well, I'm back here at the business firm, so what have you been up to?

Pete: well since I was honorably discharged, I've been trying to catch up of what's going on in WWE

Y/N: you and me both dude; Orton and McIntyre are great together as a team

Pete: let's catch up like old times, let's meet somewhere

Y/N: okay where?

Pete: some local bar and grill in town

Y/N: a bar? Pete, you know I don't drink alcohol

Pete: I know I know, we'll just be there for the grill part; steaks and soda

Y/N: alright, I'll meet you there after work

Pete: I'll see you there, buddy

The two military buddies ended their call as Y/N went back to eating while he scrolled through Instagram. He saw from WWE's Instagram that this Friday on SmackDown will be a mixed tag team match as the Viper Randy Orton teams up with the Goddess Alexa Bliss to take on the alliance of King Corbin and Lacey Evans.

Y/N felt conflicted because his favorite male Superstar is teaming with his ex-girlfriend, but the respectful fan has made his decision in watching the show on his TV from home, so he can save himself from anymore emotional pain.

After lunch, Y/N went back to work all laser focused on his task while he's looking forward to catch up with Pete later.

(A few hours later)

After Y/N clocked out, he went to the market to buy some groceries; Pete has sent him a message which said that Y/N will meet him at around dinner time, which was 6:00 pm. The former airman used his time to buy more food; then he drove back home to feed his two dogs before he went to play his new games on his PS4, and he made the excellent choice of beginning with God of War III Remastered.

Y/N felt the immediate satisfaction while he played as the demigod Kratos, killing, slicing and stabbing everything in his path. An hour and a half later in the game, Y/N has already killed Poseidon and Hades. He now was on the part with the Greek sun god, Helios, after shooting him down with the ballista, Y/N controlled Kratos through the path until he found the fallen and injured sun god.

Y/N watched with an evil smirk on his face as he repeatedly tapped the circle button until Kratos literally ripped the sun god's head off.

Y/N: oh God of War, you are such a perfect recipe for anger management

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