Chris looked at Blake and signaled his head to the back, Blake got out the car and went to the back and I hopped into the front seat. I put on my seatbelt and Chris started driving to school

Once we got there he parked his car and we all got off, he tried putting his arm over me but I took it off

Chris-oh come on

Y/n-no Chris, you should be happy I'm even going to your games

Chris-you only going cause I let your dumb friend join the team

Y/n-first of all I only talked to him that one time, and secondly I didn't do it just because. I did it because I'm getting something out of it

Chris-and what are you getting?

Y/n-that's none of your business, here's your jersey back
I said handing it to him and walking away

Chris-remember. The game is on Friday!
He yelled out from across the hallway

I walked to the bathroom and went into a stall, i sat on the toilet and took out my binder and a small glass container I had. I took an oxy pill put it on my binder and crushed it with the small container into a powder form and snorted it. I put everything back in my bag and walked out the bathroom

I walked into class sitting at my desk. I was trying to pay attention but I ended up falling asleep

~Few minutes later~

The teacher spoke out loud and I woke up

"can you please tell us what x is"

I didn't know what class I was in till I looked at the board and seen it was math class, I looked at the problem

"please do not fall asleep in my class or you won't know the answer"
he said facing the board

"x is 5"
I said and the teacher turned around shocked

He said turning back to the board and continuing class

I had already finished the work we had to do so I was just listening to music the rest of the class

The bell rang and I grabbed my bag and walked out the class and to my locker

Mattia-your pretty good in math

Y/n-your in my class?

Mattia-Yea. I literally sit in front of you

Y/n-you do?

Mattia-doesn't matter,so are you coming to the game today?

Y/n-are you gonna pee in a cup?

Mattia-that's so weird! why can't you just be clean?

Y/n-and why can't you just be good at football?

Mattia-alright fair enough, but we have to come on time


Mattia-because Chris will kick me off

Y/n-no he won't, he wants me to go to the game, and the only reason I'm going is so I don't have to go back to rehab

Mattia-how was rehab anyway?

Y/n-like hell
I said shutting my locker and walking away

Mattia-no shit. But what did you do there?
He said following me

Y/n-talk about my addiction to other addicts

Mattia-what do you do?

Y/n-enough questions. You can ask when we go to my parol officer, and can I have 5 bucks

Mattia-I gave you money yesterday?!

Y/n-yea but I spent it? It's just 5 bucks so I can get some food

Mattia-no. I'll get you food after school

Y/n-fine, see you after school in the front. And don't be late!
I said walking away

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