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I decided to ditch last period since i didn't want to go. So I was in the bathroom the whole class, I crushed some oxy on my binder rolled a piece of paper and snorted it before the bell starting to ring

I put everything in my backpack and walked out seeing a group of girls talking, they eyed me up and down but I ignored it

Being known as the "stoner" of the school gets you eyes that never leave you, gets you people asking who your dealer is, or being made fun of for almost over dosing

I walked out the bathroom and into the front of the school

Chris-so you coming?
he walked in front of me holding his backpack and smirking

Y/n-for the millionth time. Yes, just gotta do something first

I looked behind Chris seeing Mattia talking to his friends and a couple girls

I walked to him

I asked him

His friends look confused

Mattia-Yea, are we walking?

Y/n-the bus. Hurry up I gotta be there by 3:30

his friends just looked at me, confused and shocked

Y/n-your friends are staring
I told Mattia.

Mattia-you guys good?

Kairi-Yea sorry, just lost track

Alejandro-you don't sound like a bitch?

Y/n-oh trust me I am, I'm just really high right now

Alejandro-sorry, I didn't mean it like that it's just Blake says your annoying

Y/n-yea well Blake hates me

Mattia-alright let's go, I'll see you guys at the game
He said pulling me

We got to the bus stop and waited

Mattia-your high?

Y/n-when am I not?

The bus stopped and we all hopped on. Mattia and I walked to the back and sat down on the two empty seats. I sat by the window

I said handing him a bottle of water

Mattia-no thanks

Y/n-I wasn't asking. Drink these so you pee in this
I gave him two water bottles and a small squeeze bottle

Mattia-what's this for?

Y/n-so you can pee in that and leave it in the stall for me

Mattia-you don't find this a bit, weird?

Y/n-I just did oxy in the bathroom 20 minutes ago? And you find peeing in that bottle weird?

Mattia-no I mean using my pee to pass the drug test

Y/n-no, now drink the damn water

he chugged both water bottles and we still had a couple minutes till our stop

Mattia-so, what kind of drugs do you do?

I gave him a look and he shrugged his shoulder

Y/n-were really doing this?

Mattia-just trying to make small talk, I don't know what to talk about besides drugs. Plus I'm curios

Y/n-fine. I basically do any drug that gets me high enough I guess?

Addiction | | Mattia Polibio Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang