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I woke up in my room seeing it was 6am, I heard my parents yelling and I couldn't go back to sleep, I got up locked my door and walked to the bathroom, I took a quick shower and changed into some clean clothes I found, I put on my shoes and jacket grabbed my bag and since I didn't want to walk down stairs, I opened my window and jumped off the roof walking out the gate. I decided to take the bus to Derek and Vallyk's store.

Once I got there I walked inside seeing them at the counter

Y/n-you miss me

Derek-we seeing you at school?

Y/n-yea but Imma be asleep most the time, anyway, here's the money I owe you from last time and money for today, I need oxy and whatever else I get

Derek-I'll get it
he said getting up and going to the back

Vallyk-so how are things at home? your mom alright?

Y/n-same as usual, dad still yelling at her like always

Vallyk-just say the word and Derek and I can get him out of your life
he said counting money from the register

Y/n-you know I can't, he may be an abusive dead beat. But my mom loves him, for some reason she doesn't want to let go of him

He looked at me the Derek walked out

He said tossing a small cloth bag to me

Y/n-that's all of it?

Derek-everything you asked for

Y/n-thank you

Derek-heard you talked to that new kid yesterday

Y/n-what new kid?

Derek-I don't know something about Chris

Y/n-oh Mattia? yea he asked me if I could make Chris let him join the football team

Vallyk-so you did it for him?

Y/n-no, I made a deal, I gotta go see someone every Friday after school to get drug tested

Derek-wait? tell me your not gonna make him pee in a cup for you?

Y/n-that's exactly what I'm going to make him do

Derek-and what are you gonna do the other Friday's?

Y/n-in order for Mattia to get in the team Chris said I have to go to every football game for him to stay, so Mattia is doing that every Friday

Vallyk-you are something else
he said smiling and shaking his head

Y/n-alright, I gotta get to school. see you guys there

Derek-you wanna ride?

Y/n-i would but I gotta get to school on time cause if I don't there gonna hold me in the office

I walked out the store and started walking to school when I heard a honk and turned around seeing Chris with some of his friends in his car, I continued and he rolled down his window

Chris-get in

Y/n-sorry. I don't get in cars with strangers

Chris-just get in the car, and you still need to give me back my jersey, I got practice today

Blake-aww come on y/n
he said joking around and his two other friends did the same

Y/n-I'm not getting in the back
I said stopping

Addiction | | Mattia Polibio Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang