Chapter 29: The Truth of Albert

Start from the beginning

Her eyes remained fixated on Ulrich, thinking only of Albert. She let out a long breath of air which she had been reserving for a moment alone. With Ulrich clasped tightly in her arms, she fell to the floor and began weeping. Hot tears streamed freely down her face. Gentle sobs spilled from her until she felt nothing more but emptiness.

Sitting in the middle of the hollow room, she sat perfectly still succumbing to the numbness that consumed her. The soft hands of Ulrich found their way to her tear-stained face, easing the stinging pain she felt in her heart.

"I love you, Ulrich," she said, kissing his small hands. "I promise you will know how wonderful your father was. I promise you that I will love you forever, just as I promised him." She cradled him against her breast, stroking the blonde whisps of hair. "I will take care of you always." 

She rose from the floor and plopped onto the bed, placing Ulrich beside her. Softly, she began to sing German lullabies into his ear. A calming sensation overcame her as she watched him drift into a peaceful slumber. Her eyes stared at the dark ceiling, allowing her mind to spin with wild thoughts. Somewhere in the darkness she fell into a restless sleep. Dreams of Albert played in her mind.

Eloise woke to a loud banging against the door. Her hand felt for Ulrich in the darkness, feeling his steady breaths beneath her. She reluctantly rose from the bed and approached the knock. With every passing step, she straightened her composure with hopes that the stranger wouldn't notice her grief.

She took a deep breath and eased the door open. Thomas Ramsay stood silently outside the frame. Upon seeing her, he quickly removed his hat and bowed respectfully. In his eyes, Eloise could see sympathy. She could feel remorse radiating from his solemn expression.

"Hello, sir." Eloise whispered calmly in the silence, hoping that he could not hear the sadness in her voice.

"Miss Eloise," he offered her a sympathetic smile. "May I have a word with you?"

Eloise glanced down for a moment, before stepping away from the entrance. "Do come in, sir."

Thomas timidly entered. His eyes roamed around the dark, empty room. Eloise gently shut the door and neared the bed where Ulrich had woken. She sat down and took him into her arms. The creak of the bed broke the melancholy silence.

"He is a very handsome fellow." Thomas remarked, easing down onto a nearby chair.

Eloise eased Ulrich onto the floor and glanced up to see him carefully observing them. Her eyes quickly fled onto her hands, spinning the ring on her finger. Heat began to radiate from her reddening face, fearing her could see her brave act crumbling. 

                "Thank you, sir." Eloise replied, forcing back the lump in her throat.

She watched with pleasure as Ulrich crawled around the floor. No worries plagued the child as he played alone. Thomas waved at Ulrich as he rose from the chair. The hard steps of his heavy boots echoed in the small room as he made his way to her side. He eased down onto the bed, shifting her closer to him. She nervously brushed her hands along the top of her head before scooting away from him.   

                "If I were his father, I would be very proud of him." He stated, crossing his leg across his knee. His eyes remained on Ulrich.

"Yes," Eloise meekly stated. "He is a child to be proud of." She nervously clutched her arms around her body. Her fingers raked over the disheveled fabric of her dress. "I am very proud of my son."

"I can understand why." Thomas turned to face her, staring at her with sympathetic eyes. "I know you never speak of this dear, but what happened to his father?"

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