• fifteen •

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the couple sat on the couch of an unfamiliar home as the other vampire and the person that was supposed to help them flee the country bickered. jeonghan could tell that the person wasn't a vampire but seemed to powerful to be a simple mortal. jeonghan held seungcheol's hand even though he was sure they were safe, he had to always have his guard up.

"dammit! fine! fuck! you owe me one you little shit!" the person exclaimed as they came into earshot. the vampire let out a groan.

"i'm the little shit? i'm taller than you jihoon!" the vampire responded and the other person was now classified as jihoon.

"kwon soonyoung i will literally obliterate you!" jihoon warned as he turned to the vampire, who was now known as soonyoung.

"no you won't you love me!" soonyoung said dramatically and jihoon pinched the bridge of his nose.

"yeah fucking right! you have more dick in your personality than your pants!" jihoon yelled and seungcheol suppressed laughter, that was one hell of a burn.

"but.. my dick is big.." soonyoung said with a pout and jeonghan's eyes widened.

"e-excuse me! i hate to interrupt but u-um can you help us?" jeonghan said and the two turned and a grin came onto jihoon's face.

"yes, yes. i'm jihoon, you are?" jihoon said and he held out a hand.

"jeonghan, this is seungcheol." jeonghan said as he reached out and shook his hand. jihoon then shook seungcheol's hand.

"jihoon's a witch! he's really powerful too! he can mask people's whole energy! transport them too-"

"shut up i'm talking to them!" jihoon scolded as he turned and glared at soonyoung who just straightened up.

"yessir!" soonyoung said and jihoon let out a sigh.

"now let's discuss the plan,"

as jeonghan sat there he felt himself get extremely thirsty again. he had fed once last night and he hoped it would hold him over but he had been hungry all day and just ignored it. jeonghan tried to subtly cover his nose, seungcheol was starting to smell even better, and everyone seemed to notice.

"have you not been eating?" jihoon asked and jeonghan nodded. jihoon glanced over to soonyoung and soonyoung walked towards the kitchen.

"hannie, why didn't you tell me? i could've let you-"

"n-no! i w-wouldn't be able to s-stop." jeonghan interrupted and jihoon just chuckled. the love between someone immortal and a mortal was always a horrible idea, it only ever ended in pain.

"here," soonyoung said as he handed a glass to jeonghan. jeonghan took it and quietly thanked it before taking a sip.

"i'll send some blood bags with you but once you're out of the country i cannot help you any more. you'll have to find ways to responsibly feed, housing, income, feeding him, are you willing to take it all on?" jihoon asked as his eyes didn't move from jeonghan. jeonghan let out a sigh and seungcheol gripped his hand.

"yes. it's not going to be easy but i'll make it work." jeonghan said and jihoon cracked a grin before looking to seungcheol.

"he's been awfully quiet.. what about you seungcheol?"

"i want to be with jeonghan no matter what.. i know i can't do much but i'll do anything i can." seungcheol said and jihoon's grin turned to a smile before looking to soonyoung.

"alright, they've won me over." jihoon said with a smile and he stood from his chair. soonyoung smiled.

you two can stay tonight and we'll leave in the morning. i'll prepare the necessities that you'll need but for now go rest, follow me to your room." jihoon instructed as he held his hand out and the two followed him.

soonyoung let out a sigh as he knew this would probably be his last time doing this. the last couple he helped nearly got him killed because he was nearly caught but something about seeing the couples escape and find happiness makes it worth it. soonyoung wished for that sort of life with jihoon but knew it was unlikely.

"here, if you need an extra blanket or pillow let me know. also if you get hungry, either of you, i can get something." jihoon said with a grin and jeonghan nodded. jihoon began to turn around but jeonghan caught his wrist.

"jihoon, thank you. thank you so much." jeonghan said before he let go of jihoon's wrist and jihoon smiled. call it intuition but jihoon knew they were destined for a happy ending.

"don't worry about it. it's what i like to do, sleep well." jihoon said as he turned away and walked down the hall.

the couple walked into the room and shut the door behind them. jeonghan sat his glass down on the bedside table and plopped onto the bed. the sheets smelled faintly of lavender and were incredibly soft. seungcheol grinned although his heart slightly ached at how exhausted jeonghan must be. jeonghan lost his mother, was nearly killed, and almost starved to death in the period of a few days and he was taking it extremely well. a little too well.

"hannie?" seungcheol asked and jeonghan responded with a hum.

in all honesty jeonghan was breaking down inside. his heart and body was heavy and he felt like crying at any minute but he suppressed it all, he needed to get seungcheol safe first. jeonghan felt horrible for taking seungcheol away from his family, although seungcheol had wanted to come, and it was taking a toll. jeonghan couldn't let himself break down no matter how hard it got, he had to be strong for seungcheol.

"are you feeling okay?" seungcheol asked as he laid onto the bed beside jeonghan. jeonghan looked to him and nodded.

"are you really okay? you don't have to put up a tough front," seungcheol said as he gently stroked jeonghan's hair. jeonghan bit on his lip and looked away from seungcheol, if he had looked into those eyes a little longer he would've burst into tears.

"yeah, i'm okay," jeonghan said with his voice muffled and seungcheol could read it as a lie with ease.

"look me in the eyes and tell me that," seungcheol said and he was met with silence. he noticed jeonghan trembling and quiet sniffles.

"baby, come here." seungcheol held out his arms and jeonghan sat up and snuggled into his chest.

tears ran down jeonghan's face as he sobbed, it hurt so bad. his shoulders shook and heart ached as sobs broke the quiet air. seungcheol wrapped his arms around jeonghan and rocked him back and forth.

"i've got you bub.. you're gonna be okay.." seungcheol reassured and jeonghan just clenched onto seungcheol's shirt as he cried into his chest.

"i-it hurts.. i-it's so h-hard.." jeonghan said as he sobbed and seungcheol's heart clenched.

"i know it's hard and you're doing so well hannie.. but you don't have to hold it all together around me.. let me hold my boy in my arms and take care of you for once, hm?" seungcheol asked and jeonghan nodded.

"p-please hold me.."

"of course,"

• author's notes •

someone asked for a moon update so here you are <3 thank you for reading i hope you enjoyed !! also im not sure how long this book will be im probably going to end it when they've settled down and gone through college and gotten jobs, etc so there'll probably be quite a few more chapters


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