• fourteen •

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"how about we make a deal?" the vampire asked, jeonghan just scoffed.

"you're not exactly in a deal making position," jeonghan retorted and the vampire smirked.

"but if you kill me you'll be hunted down for the rest of your life and you know the council would do anything to rob you of that sweet mortal.. look what they did to your mothe-"

"shut the fuck up. don't you dare talk about her, i'm already holding back on killing you." jeonghan said with clenched teeth, the vampire chuckled.

"fine. hear my deal out first," the vampire replied as he tapped jeonghan to let him go.

"i'm not going to hurt you or your weak mortal down there. i just want to talk," the vampire defended and jeonghan just glared at him. there was no way in hell he was going to let him go.

"ugh! i'll talk like this then.. well my proposal is that you give me a vial of your blood and a vial of his, so i can prove to the council that you're dead, then you flee the country. i keep my job and you keep your lives," the guy proposed and jeonghan let out a sigh.

jeonghan had a sneaking suspicion this would come to bite him in the ass but he would do anything to keep seungcheol safe. they would have to fake deaths and escape the country, it wasn't going to be easy. seungcheol had a family and friends, would he be okay with leaving them? jeonghan glanced to the vampire who was just slyly smiling and jeonghan got up and released him.

"make a move and i'll kill you," jeonghan warned as he walked downstairs with the vampire behind him.

"yessir!" the vampire chimed and jeonghan really wanted to hit him.

seungcheol sat up on the couch and glanced over to the two. jeonghan didn't look too roughed up but seungcheol could tell he was exhausted. the other boy looked rough but didn't show it on his face. jeonghan sat down next to seungcheol and pointed at the recliner for the other vampire.

"i'm probably going to regret this but i want to accept your deal.. but you have to swear, on a blood oath, that you will never expose our true status or location to the council. we'll never expose yours either," jeonghan said and the vampire nodded.

"does he know what's happening?" the vampire asked as he gestured to the mortal and jeonghan sighed. jeonghan looked to seungcheol and bit on his lower lip, he didn't want to break the news.

"him and i are making a deal. he's going to take our blood to the council so they think we're dead while we actually fake our deaths and leave the country.. i know it's a lot to ask and i understand if you wish to stay with your family b-but i w-wouldn't be able to p-protect you or t-them.." jeonghan explained and his voice began to quiver. seungcheol's heart ached slightly at the thought of leaving his life and family here yet his heart ached even more seeing jeonghan cry.

he placed his hand over jeonghan's and gave him a small grin. the vampire watched and quietly chuckled, love was such a silly thing to immortals but yet there was a half blood who had fallen deeply in love with a mortal. it was truly amusing.

"i'll go with you," seungcheol said and jeonghan looked to him with a shocked expression.

"a-are you s-sure?" jeonghan asked and seungcheol nodded before pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"how cute! now i need to collect your blood," the vampire interrupted the moment and he held out two vials and a knife.

jeonghan grabbed the vials, handing one to seungcheol, and the knife. he cut his hand and barely winced at the pain as the blood dripped into the vial. jeonghan wasn't really in the state to be losing blood but he hoped this wasn't enough to knock him out.

"i know leaving the country won't be easy but i know someone who could help," the vampire said as jeonghan handed him his vial of blood. the vampire smiled and slid it into his pocket.

"you sound like you've done this type of deal before." jeonghan stated as he turned to seungcheol and cut his hand carefully and let the blood drip into the vial. the cut didn't hurt seungcheol but jeonghan's hand was still bleeding, it looked as if jeonghan had cut too deep on accident.

"h-hannie your hand-"

"it's okay cheol," jeonghan said softly in response and seungcheol sighed.

"maybe i have maybe i haven't.. do you have a first aid kit somewhere? your hand is bleeding a bit-"

"it's fine, here." jeonghan interrupted as he handed the vampire seungcheol's blood.

jeonghan licked the remaining blood off of seungcheol's hand, causing the wound to stop bleeding, and seungcheol's face blushed a bright red. jeonghan looked to the vampire and he was grinning.

"i'll be back tomorrow evening to pick you two up, be ready to begin a new life." the vampire said as he stood up. he smiled and gave a small bow before vanishing.

jeonghan let out a sigh and sat back onto the couch. his hand was still bleeding and he was beginning to feel light headed but his mind was busy thinking of other things. seungcheol glanced to his hand and frowned. he stood up and walked to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink before returning to jeonghan.

jeonghan glanced over as he watched seungcheol tend to his wound. his vision was blurry and his mind was hazy. jeonghan was starving and seungcheol smelled so good. jeonghan covered his nose as he looked away, why was he being like this?"

"hannie? what wrong-"

"h-hungry. y-you sm-smell good.. p-please go i-in another r-room." jeonghan interrupted and seungcheol sighed as he knotted the wrap on jeonghan's hand.

seungcheol slipped his shirt off and jeonghan winced as more of his scent came off. jeonghan was trying his best to resist until seungcheol pulled his hand away from his nose and mad eye contact.

"the blood bags are bad.. have some," seungcheol said and jeonghan's eyes widened.

seungcheol sat next to him and leaned in. jeonghan wanted to resist but he couldn't anymore. his body leaned forward and he bit into the spot between seungcheol's neck and shoulder. the pain was bearable but it was a weird sensation. seungcheol felt himself get light headed and he placed a hand on jeonghan.

"t-too much," seungcheol said and jeonghan let go immediately.

jeonghan's eyes widened and he covered his mouth. blood dripped down his chin and he felt himself tear up. seungcheol was fine as jeonghan had stopped at the right time but jeonghan felt like a monster.

"i-i'm s-sorry," jeonghan stuttered out and seungcheol grinned.

"it's okay baby, you didn't do anything wrong. c'mere," seungcheol said as he held his arms out and jeonghan curled up beside him. seungcheol wiped the blood off of his chin and jeonghan licked it off of his finger.

"do you feel okay?" jeonghan asked and seungcheol sighed. he felt somewhat light headed still but it wasn't too bad.

"i could probably use some dinner,"

"i'll cook something,"

• author's notes •

heh hi here's an update .. im rlly sorry i just lost all inspiration to write an update for this book and just now have i been able to write a chapter. i don't like this chap a lot but i hope you all enjoyed <3 sorry for such a late update


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