Chapter One: The Human Arrives

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Lillian's POV

I looked down at my gloved hands as the days that were now behind me played back in my head. Everything Alice saw was right, and in the end I made the only choice I could. To save my family and hope not to die. Aro requested me to come to Volterra within the next fourty-eight hours or the deal was done, and the Cullens were to pay the price. Believe it or not, but that was only fourteen hours ago, and I was being delievered by Alice upon request.

"Do you see me ever going back home?" I asked her, watching her eyes stay on the road.

My breathing hitched in my throat as I could feel my body weaken with the one word I did not want to hear right now. 'No'. I looked back out the window as the roads became twisty, and I knew soon I was going to be there.

"Aro, will respect your decision to stay human right now, but remember one single decision can effect the future, so try not to test him, Lilly," she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Alice, I'm already going to test him. My hands have gloves on them, I dont want him reading me, and I can tell you right now, he isn't going to like it," I said raising my voice with each sentence.

I looked back at her but her eyes were on my gloves. I knew that sooner or later he was going to read me, but I wanted to make that decision. It seems that lately I have no choice in things, and I refuse to let this be one too.

"You and Aro are destin-"

"Im tired of people telling me that. Destiny does not exist. One person is not destined for one person. That's shit. I refuse to believe that I am not going to be happy from this day forward, and each of y'all are going back home like nothing ever happened,"

I slammed my hands against my legs, feeling my anger become worse by the seconds. The rest of the ride was silent, and I was aware that I hurt Alice, but in that moment I was not bothered enough to apologize.


Alice led me down the stairs in a building that seemed a lot older that the rest of this city. I made sure to look at my surrondings if the day came when I left or ran away, either or, but with Alice's vision I knew it was not going to happen soon. The stairs finally ended and Alice grabbed my arm pulling me past the lady in the front.

The doors in front of us were almost as tall as the building itself, yet they were very elegant. Alice turned to me, embracing me in a tight hug, and I knew this is where she was going to leave me.

"This is where I go," she said pulling back,"No matter what, remember who your family is,"

I wiped the tears that were falling, and she was gone. Not one more word, hug, nothing. My stomach began to twist uncontrollably as I pushed the door open coming face to face with the three men sitting on a throne.

My eyes went straight to Aro who stood to his feet as soon as he made eye contact with me. I watched him turn to Marcus as the words, "Your tie with this girl is very evident,  Aro,".

I looked at him unaware of the words he was saying. Aro turned to me walking slowly to meet my gaze. I stood in the middle not wanting to go any further than where I already was.

"Brothers, this is the one I have been telling you about. From our dear Alice's vision. The addition to Cullen clan, Lillian," he said turning to me with an extended hand.

The words in the back of my head telling me not to test him came to my mind as I slowly walked towards him offering my gloved hand. Even with the glove his hand was stone cold which made mine as well.

"Afraid of the power I hold?" he said motioning to my hand.

I took it out of his putting my hand in my pocket trying to return the warmth.

"Not at all, just if I am here against my will, I would prefer to keep my life in my head and not in yours," I said watching his face grin at me.

"You defy your master," Caius spoke sitting up in his seat.

I turned to him, shaking my head as his red eyes pierced into me. He was definetly the one I was warned about, he hates humans, yet he was one so many years ago.

"He is not my master," I spewed back at him.

I continued to stare back at him not wanting to seem weaker than I already was. My gaze was taken away, but a cold hand that was put on my back, leading me to a hallway. I said nothing as we walked down this long hallway, all I wanted was to sleep and wake up from this dream. This god awful dream. I continued to walk in silence except for the sound of my shoes hitting the floor. There has to be something here that will keep me occupied, and then I saw it. A door was left open revealing books all up the walls in the room. If I am stuck here for my lifetime, I am thankful he at least he at least has as many books as I have years.

"This is my quarter, you may do as you wish, but you are not to leave this quarter unless you are with me," he said opening the door to a room with a window opening and a large bed beside it.

I put my bag down sitting on the bed, observing the very room. I guess you could say it matched him very well. Everything in this room was very elegant, along with the furniture and decor. In a way, I liked it very much.

"The library out by the hallway, will I at least be able to go there?" I asked watching as he took off his cloak.

He turned towards me nodding his head, and sitting down at what I can only assume to be his desk. I knew vampires never slept so maybe it was a nice gesture that he got me a bed. Other than the fact that I have to sleep with him watching me. You win some, you lose some.

"I have to ask since I am basically trapped here, what are you expecting from me?" I asked watching him put his pen down to face me.

"I've waited thousands of years watching my brothers find the one they were destined to, and yet it never happened to me. I want what they have with there mates, and as Marcus saw, you and I do indeed have a tie between each other,"

I watched his face as each word left his mouth. It seems everybody here believes in destiny and I could not wrap my head around it. I dont care what they believe, it should be what I want, not what he wants.

"Ties can be broken. I have no intention of ever becoming what you are, let alone loving you, so whenever you give up, I would like to go home," I said watching his face harden all at once.

He stood to his feet, walking slowly towards me, making me flinch with each step. Alice told me to not test him, and it may seem now that it will be the end of me.

"My dear, it doesn't matter what you want, it's what will happen,-"

"If you touch my hand without me saying so or turn me without me saying so, there will be a problem, cause let me tell you something buddy, I have no one for you to threaten me with, so you touch me, I leave, you turn me, I leave," I said standing to my feet feeling anger pulsate through my body.

It seemed like just a second before I realized I was pinned up against a wall. His red eyes now pure black stared into mine, while his face was closer than I would have liked. I could feel my heart quicken and I was sure so could he, as he bent down licking my neck.

"How do you ever plan on leaving? You are unfamiliar here, if you leave my quarters you might as well be dead with the vampires all around here, my dear. However, let me tell you something, I am rather patient, if you test me, provoke me, I will not be holding myself back from just licking your neck, no, it will be far worse," he said in a whisper, tightening his grip with each word.

"Then bite me, I am not the one who is worried about what is destined, and I've heard that newborns are rather strong, lets test it," I said shoving my face right back in his.

He released his grip sending my body flying to the floor. I looked back up at him as he stared at me from the floor. He bent down pulling my face to his, as he whispered the words slowly and terrifyingly.

"You are never going back to Forks, Lillian Matthews"


I wanted this chapter to be somewhat short but to the point on where Lilly and Aro stand. The next chapters to follow will be more in debt, and also a look at both of Lilly's past. I hope y'all enjoy!

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