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Bella's POV

I suck in a breath as I stare at myself in the mirror. Not only do I look completely unlike myself I look... beautiful. My hair, thanks to Rosalie, flows in curls down my back. My makeup, thanks to Rose, is light and brings out features of my face I never knew could look so, amazing. And finally my white wedding dress,it hugs my figure tightly and stops at the waist before flowing out to my feet that are clad in white high heels.

I hear a gasp and I turn around to see my mother, Renee, standing in the doorway. I smile at her as her eyes gloss over and she covers here mouth. "Bella, baby, you look beautiful." She says walking towards me. "Thanks mom." I say to her. I look at the door as Charlie walks through it. He was wearing black suit pants, a white tuxedo jacket, and a black bow tie.

"You clean up nice dad." I say to him jokingly. He smirks and spins, "I know, I try." he says smugly before chuckling. I laugh and he walks towards me, "You look amazing Bells." He says smiling at me and placing his empty hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks dad." I say smiling back. My dad holds up the blue velvet box in his hand, "Your grandmother wore this on her wedding day so, here." He says opening the box and revealing a beautiful diamond necklace. He fastens it around my neck and steps back as I turn and look at myself in the mirror again.

"I can't believe my little girls getting married." Charlie says, his voice cracking in the slightest. "Feels like just yesterday I got you back and now I have to say goodbye again." I blink back the tears in my eyes and walk to him. "It's never goodbye dad. I'll always be here, not physically, but I'll be here." I tell him.

He smiles and kisses my forehead just as Alice walks in. "Five minutes, let's get into place people." Renee kisses my cheek and leaves to go take her seat.

Charlie and I walk downstairs and stand behind Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett.

"Emmett and Rose count to three after we walk, Bella Charlie count to six after Rose and Em." Alice whispers before the music starts.

First Jasper and Alice walk out and then Rose and Em. I suck in a deep breath and slowly release it before Charlie leads us down the isle.

I glance at everyone as I walk and offer them smiles. And slowly my gaze shifts and my eyes meet his.

His beautiful emerald green eyes shine as they meet mine and his face lights up with a smile. His messy bronze hair is neater than usual. He's wearing an all black tuxedo and an all black bow tie.

By now I'm halfway down the isle. I'm halfway down the path to my new life with my amazing fiancé soon to be husband and at that my face lights up with a smile.

Charlie stops at the end of the isle and looks at me. His eyes glisten with tears as well as mine. He leans forward and kisses my cheek before smiling and turning to Edward. "You take care of my daughter you understand me." He says before placing my hand in Edward's. "I will sir." Edward says to Charlie.

I move and stand in front of Edward. We smile at each other and Edward mouths the words 'I love you' to me and I mouth them back as Pastor Stanley begins the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate, with Edward and Isabella, their marriage. Through ups and downs they have lasted together and come out of it only stronger than before. Their love has grown and they are here today before God and us all to share it with us as they depart into a new journey driven by their love." Pastor Stanley pauses and looks to Edward and I.

"Before we continue, I was told that the couple would like to say something to each other." He says. Edward nods before looking into my eyes.

"Bella, the past few years with you have been more than I could ask for. Not only have I fallen in love with the woman of my dreams I've managed to fall in love with my best friend as well. When you agreed to marry me I thought for sure it was the greatest day of my life but I was wrong. Standing here in front of our friends and family I realize that today, the day you become my wife, is the and will forever be the greatest day of my entire life. I love you Isabella Marie Swan." Edward says to me.

Day in the Life of Bella Swan (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now