Finding Edward pt. 1

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Edward's POV

I slowlycrack my eyes open and look around. I almost can't see anything because of how dark it is. There is a bit of light coming in through a window at the top of one of the walls. I don't see anything but dirty boxes in a corner, the bed I'm tied to and a set of stairs leading up to a door.

"Look who's awake." a voice said as the door opens. I look up and see the same guy from earlier walking down the stairs. "Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked my voice cracky. Speaking makes my throat hurt because of its dryness. I try to clear my throat but it only makes it worse. "Oh my apologies what type of host am I here." the man says untying one of my hands and handing me a class of water.

I cautiously take the glass of water and slowly bring it to my lips. "Oh come on Mr.Cullen I didn't poison it, I'm not a terrible person." the man said pulling a chair up and sitting next to the bed. "Oh right you do have to see." he said standing up and pulling a string making a light flicker on. I finish the glass of water and the guy takes it and sits it on the table beside the bed.

"So you must be wondering why you're here," the guy started, "well my colleague, who you may know, has requested your presents but she doubts you would've come willing so she hired me. Now I don't know or care why she wants you but she does. I'm only in it for the money, at first it was for Bella." he said which made me tense up and glare at him. "But, well I don't want her anymore, now I just want the 300 thousand that she promised to give me." he finished.

I looked at him and blinked. "Oh by the way my name is James, James Laurent." he said holding his hand out which I slowly shook. Before he could continue talking someone opened the door and walked downstairs. I looked up and froze.

"EDDIE!!" she squealed smiling happily. I shuddered and stared at Tanya in horror.

Bella's POV

I sighed as I paced the living room at the Cullen's home."Bella, dear please calm down." Esme said grabbing my hand and looking into my eyes pleadingly." I sighed and nodded sitting down. "Bella can you please explain again?" Charlie's partner Mark asked as he pulled out a pen and a note pad. I sighed for the millionth time today and began.

"I had asked Edward if he could go out to the car and grab our box of toiletries. He said okay and left. He has been gone for about 8 minutes so I decided to go see if he was okay, and when I got outside I saw his car keys and the box on the ground but Edward was gone. I panicked and yelled for him and searched around the parking lot but I didn't see him. That's when I ran to Emmett and Rosalie's apartment and told them what happened. We got Alice and Jasper and we came here and Carlisle called you and Charlie." I explained to him.

He nodded and wrote something down and looked at me. "Edward hasn't been missing for more than 24 hours therefore we can't file a missing persons report but we will search for him Bella, I promise." Charlie said placing his hand on my knee. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. "Charlie let's head down to the station and see what we can dig up, shall we?" Mark asked standing up. Charlie nodded and kissed my forehead, "We're gonna bring him back Bella." he whispered to me before leaving.

There was only one person running through my head right now, Edward. He's gone, he's missing, he could be hurt, he could be- before the thought left my mind tears flooded my eyes and poured out. I sobbed as Alice, Rose, and Esme hugged me to them. "It's gonna be okay Bella, we're gonna find Edward." they kept whispering as they held me.

My sobs slowly subsided as I fell asleep in their arms.


"Bella, Bella wake up we have a lead." someone said as they shook me awake. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Emmett towering over me. "Come on Bella Charlie found a lead." he said picking me up and carrying me. "Where are we going Emmett?" I asked him. "To the police station Bella." he said as we got downstairs. He set me down and Carlisle ushered us outside to the cars.

The ride to the station was silent except for everyone's breathing. Carlisle parked the car and we all got out and headed inside. We all sat down except Carlisle and Esme. Before they entered Charlie's office Esme turned to me and held out her hand. I slowly stood and took it going with them into Charlie's office. We sat down and Charlie began.

He pulled out a file and opened it before he looked at us. "So, after Mark and I took a look around the scene we found some usual things such as shoe prints and finger prints. But we went a little further and checked down the alleyways. We found tire marks at the end of one of them along with Edward's foot and finger prints and uh... a little blood that we believe came from Edward as well." he said and Esme and I gasped.

"It was only a little, possibly just a little tussle. There was no clues to if there was a struggle or not but it could've been. What we really paid attention to was the tire tracks. They belonged to what we assume is a standardized sedan. We asked around and people said they saw a mysterious looking black sedan parked near the alley entrance. These sitings led us up to Ketsap County."

"There was a gas station that said they saw two men pull up in a black sedan. One of them entered the shop and they gave us his description. Said he was wearing a brown leather jacket, a red shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots. They said he had brown eyes, shirt blonde hair pulled into a pony tail, and light stubble." Charlie said before looking through some papers. He pulled up a picture, a sketch of the man described. "Last thing they mentioned was that his name was James." I froze, I've heard that name before. "Bella?" my name was called.

Where have I heard that name before. James, James, James... then it clicked. "I've heard that name before. I was at the mall with everyone and Rose had gone to the bathroom. She called me and I heard Tanya on the other end. She was speaking with a guy named James and he said that he was going to do everything in his power to get me and Edward apart." I told Charlie in a rush. He stared at me and blinked a few times.

"When was this Bella?" he asked. I thought for a moment."It was last week on Wednesday. We were shopping for furniture." I told him. He nodded and wrote it down. He lapsed his together and sighed. "This is all we have for now, we have an investigator searching up James. It'll be hard because we don't know his last name but we will continue to eliminate suspects till we find the right one." Charlie said.

We nodded and stood. "When we find him we'll have to cross reference his information in our system and find out places he owns and find out where he had Edward at." he said shaking Carlisle's hand. Carlisle nodded and we left.

On the ride home Carlisle and Esme told Alice,Jazz, Em, and Rose about my dad's findings. Once we got home we ate and I went up to Edward's room and laid down. We're gonna find you Edward, I thought as I slowly fell asleep.

A/N: TWO UPDATES IN TWO DAYS BABY WHOOO!!! Lol anyway I kinda just did this one cause my thoughts were just running and I had to do this chapter so. UNTIL NEXT TIME GOODBYYYEEE!!!!

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