23. The Reason

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Erin groaned in pain as her hair was pulled by Angel. Her pained face was an inch closer to Will.

"You do this to her, brother! You secretly did the journal to screw our company for what reason? For this woman?" Angel laughed bitterly and shoved her face closer to him.

Erin cried in pain while the revelation was a shock to her. Willard and the she-devil are siblings. What else she didn't know about Will aside from the fake marriage?

"Stop hurting her Victoria!" Will was mad this time.

"I don't take orders from you, brother, but fine, under one condition." She said and tossed Erin to Will.

They were both groaning of the impact as her body was crushed on him.

"Are you okay?" Will check on her immediately. This is the first time Will look at her that way.

"I don't think I would be fine after hearing all of this," Erin said recovering from the pain and she was trying to process about what she just heard.

"Enough, enough..." Angel said while clapping the file with her right palm.

Erin looked at the familiar file. It was the documents that Will was after for. Why it's on her possession?

"Where did you get it?" She could have asked her that but Will beat her.

"It's not any more important, what I want is the original one and that woman will get it for us." Angel tossed the file to her.

Erin was confused. Why would she do it and how could she do it?

"Don't look at it." Will stopped Erin when she was about to check the file.

"Why not? What's in here? Why should I get it for you?" Erin asked as she was obviously in the dark of what was happening.

"You explained the rest brother. I already told her one of your lies." Angel smirked.

"What did you tell her?" Will asked tugging the chain that restricted him from grabbing Angel.

"That your marriage is fake? I start with that." She deadpanned and looked at her with mocked pity.

Will's helpless look confirmed that it was true and Erin slumped on the ground without the strength to ask him further.

"I can explain everything, Erin..." Will said but Erin did not even glance at him. She is in a lot of pain already.

"I can explain everything when the time is right..." He said.

Erin closed her eyes and wished it's just one of her bad dreams that will be gone the moment she opened her eyes, but it's not. Her aching head was telling her that it's real. Willard Ferguson tricked her to a fake marriage. She decided to get up and leave the place, but her hair was once again pulled by Angel.

"We are not done yet. You need to get the file for us."

"I don't even know what's in the file and where will I get it!"

"What do you want to know next?" Angel asked.

"Tell me everything." She said. It would be better to know it all at once.

"But it's not the right time yet, right brother?" Angel mocked Will's word.

"Victoria, I told you to stop hurting Erin. She has enough of all of these!"

"And we have enough because of his father!" Angel shouted that surprised Erin.

"Why it has to do with my father?" Erin asked.

"We suffered and this woman is lucky, was lucky because her luck ended already." Angel pulled her hair hard again, but this time Erin applied the self-defense training she learned from Xander.

She attacked her face. Angel deserved it, she wished she scratches her face.

"What the hell!" Angel screamed and she was temporarily free from her hold. She did not wait for any second and attacked her again, but her knowledge was limited. Angel regained in seconds and gave Erin a hard kick. She landed on the cold floor and almost cried out of pain.

"Enough!" Will said but it didn't stop Angel to kick her over and over like she was a punching bag on the floor.

Erin hated the woman. God forgive her of what she can do to her when she will be given a chance. She curled in pain trying to dodge the kick that seemed endless. She did not deserve this, she did not deserve to be beaten by someone she did not even know.

"Your father killed our business. Your father is the reason why our father is stuck in a wheelchair." Angel shouted in every kick.

"Victoria enough! You are killing her, it's not her fault!" Will shouted, but it only angers his sister as she gave Erin another kick.

Will was helpless seeing her on the ground in pain. Erin was barely moving when Angel stopped. Will it be the end of her? She can barely breathe because of the pain in her ribcage.

"She does not deserve this!" Will shouted.

"Change of heart, eh? Remember you tricked her." Angel said while panting.

How can this woman be so cruel? Erin groaned wanted to get up but her body was weak.

"Get the file from Xander," Angel commanded, and her heart pounded after hearing his name.

What is his involvement from this? Erin groaned unable to speak because of pain and remembered something. Xander pocketed the documents last time when she was throwing all of the things from Will in her room.

"Were you asking what's his part in this?" Angel asked as if reading what's on her mind.

Angel kneels and whispered, "He is an agent."

"What?" She murmured, her eyes went big of a surprise.

"Oh, dear. You really have the knack on people keeps fooling you, tsk tsk tsk tsk." She said while shaking her head.

"That's enough, Victo..." Will was cut off when a gunshot was heard from the outside.

"Looks like your knight and shining armor is here," Angel said and walked away to check.

"No!" Erin shouted. The men from earlier were armed and she was scared for Xander's life.

"No!" She tried to get up as she heard another gunshot from nearby. She can't forgive herself if something bad will happen to Xander.

The door burst opened, Angel landed on the floor with the impact.

"Erin!" Xander shouted like thunder.

He has this murderous eyes seeing Erin on the floor beaten up.

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