3. Let Him Go

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Erin turned her room upside down. Everything that Will bought for her were on the floor now. The clothes, bags and even her shoes. How can she be blinded by his gifts before? Each passing day reminded her that Will never love her since day one of their relationship up to their marriage.

She was in love of the thought being loved because of the gifts and all the pretenses he showed to her.

There was a loud bang on the door when she throws the last pair of her shoes forcefully. How she wished she threw it on Will's face.

Later, Xander showed up in her room to check on her and he was surprised how messed up her room was.

"Are you throwing all of those?" He asked and started to gather her things in one place.

Erin looked at the mess she just created and realized that almost of the things she had in the room were from Will. She lost her strength seeing of the sight. Up to what extent he was in control of her life?

"I want all of them gone from my room!" She was almost hysterical as she kept on facing back and forth in front of Xander.

"And these!" The papers were flying in seconds.

They were documents of Will she didn't care about. Xander immediately picked them up and pocketed them. He continued to gather her things in one place and cleared the floor for her.

After an hour, they were indeed going out together for her shopping spree. She has her own money for the expenses and she will buy all the things she wanted from today. Shopping bags after bags until Xander can no longer hold all of them with both his hands.

"Do you think I'm a little bit extra?" She asked, they were now sitting on a secluded cafe for a break.

Xander just shrugged his shoulder and positioned himself in front of her.

"How's my father?" She asked out of nowhere while waiting for her coffee to cool down a bit so she can sip it comfortably.

"He's fine. He's coming this Sunday to the villa for the dinner." Xander replied.

"With Will." She added.

It has been the setup. Will is always present if her father is around.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why are you not filing for a divorce?" Xander looked at her in the eyes.

"It's his call not mine in which my father strongly agree." She sipped her coffee at that.

"Did you hate your father?"

Xander's questions were personal for her but she didn't mind stopping him. She trained her attention at the weak steam coming out from her almost lukewarm coffee.

"A little bit, but you know, who can really hate their own family? I just wished he trusted me enough to believe me instead of Will." She consumed the black liquid before it gets totally cold.

"I can't blame him. The evidence looked genuine."She added.

Xander nodded in agreement.

"Do you believe it?" She asked and Xander shook his head in response to her question.

Erin smile at him for the first time. If only his father can do the same. It was nice knowing someone is by her side.

"Everything will be alright soon." Xander uttered, but Erin's attention wasn't on him but on his hand holding her.

It was a warm touch that sent comfort to her chaotic being. How she wished he hold her longer when he took it back.

"I'm sorry if I stepped over the line."

"It's alright." Her comeback, if only she could demand from him that she wanted his hand over her longer.

Erin shook her head of the thought. She didn't need such comfort from Xander.

The drive back to the villa was filled with silence. Only the roaring engine of the car can be heard up on the air, even their breathing was quiet as if they were carefully heaving it.

Erin yelp from the sudden stopped of the car. In distance, the car of her husband was parked outside the villa

"What is he doing here?" Erin fumed.

"You can stay here inside the car. I'll go check on him." Xander offered.

"Thank you, but no. I should face him besides you are here with me." She said and went out of the car.

She immediately went up to her room and saw that everything is turned upside down again.

"What are you doing?!" She shouted that surprised Will.

"Where are my documents?" He continued flipping everything was there to flip. He didn't even bother to greet her like a decent human he is.

"I threw them all away."

"What?" He now faced her like he is about to murder her.

"I threw all of them earlier."

"Those are important documents!" He said and Erin noticed how tense Will was. He might not knew her enough, but she noticed everything about Will.

The documents must be important but she was not sorry for throwing it at all.

"Please leave." She said.

"No, I want my damn documents!" Will shouted at her for the first time.

The facade she never saw before from him. Is this really the Will she didn't know about?

"I told you, I already throw all of them." It was a soft response from her, but it angers Will.

Will was about to hold her shoulders when Xander snapped his right arm away from her.

"Keep away from her." He said with all authority while Will was groaning in pain. His right arm remained in his hold twisted.

"Let him go!" Erin said seeing Will in pain.

"Who the hell are you?" Will asked in rage when he recovered from the pain.

"Will please leave!" Erin cried before Xander pounced at him again.

"I'll be back." Will glared at him.

Xander just grinned in response because he can sense the fear from him.

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