19. petrified: literally or emotionally?

Start from the beginning

"Oh that's rubbish."

Hannah shushed Filch, still watching Harry and Dumbledore like a tennis match, her eyes wide as she realized what she had done. She simply smiled and waved at Filch, jumping back when he growled at her.

He really needed to stop hanging out with that cat.

"Headmaster," Snape's monotone voice cut through the tension that started building. All eyes turned to him, him slightly stepping from the shadows.

"Potter and his friends could have very well been in the wrong place at the wrong time, although I must say I didn't see Potter at dinner."

I couldn't tell where Snape was going with this, was he defending us or not?

"That would be my fault, Potter was helping us sign so fan mail in my office," Lockheart said as everyone looked at him, him suddenly smiling bright and looking back at the cat.

"Innocent until proven guilty Severus," Dumbledore said, looking over his shoulder at Snape.

"Well why were the rest of you here," Filch jumped back up, looking at Hannah with evil eyes.

"We went looking for Harry, wondering if he was out of dentition yet," I spoke, watching Snape look down at me.

"That's we found him, he was um-"

"He didn't know if dinner had ended when he ran into him here," Ron cut in before Hermione could finish, looking over at Harry for help.

"It's true Professor, we didn't do this," Harry said as he watched Dumbledoredore nod to McGonagall.

"My cat has been petrified, I wanna see some punishment here," Filch yelled at the Headmaster.

"We will cure her Argus."

"I recommend action to all students," Dumbledore nodded to us, all of us running the opposite way to the Gryffindor common room.

"I wanna cry, Merlin I wanna cry," Hannah said as we ran until we reached the stairs, jumping on the first set we saw before it moved to other sets.

"Wasn't that strange?"

Hermione walked up the stairs, gripping the railing as we continued to the new set that appeared.

"What part are you talking about Mione, the blood or the hanging cat?" I said, the sarcastic comment falling past my lips while I waited for the next set, my arms across my chest.

"I mean the part where Harry starts hearing voices no one else hears and then we find Ms. Norris petrified."

"Oh yeah, I guess you could say that strange," I mumbled to myself, running up the next set of stairs, all I wanted to be in bed away from the bloody words that flashed across my brain.

"Do you think I have something to do with this?" Harry asked, Godric I wanted everyone to stop asking stupid questions.

"Everything weird that happens here as something to do with you Harry."

"I don't think your commentary is needed right now (Y/N)," Hermione spoke before she turned back to Harry.

"Well should I tell Dumbledore about the voices?"

"Definitely not," Hannah finally spoke, leaning on the railing as she looked between Harry and I.

"Even for wizards, hearing voices isn't normal," Ron filled in.

"I don't know, maybe it was Voldemort inviting him to a sleepover," I spoke, taking the last few steps before the Fat Lady painting.

"I'm sorry," Hermione said, coming beside me and giving a sad smile.

"I shouldn't have snapped, I know you get sarcastic when you get scared."

"You're fine Mione, I think we are all scared about now."

Hemrione nodded, the words Chocolate Frogs fell past my lips so the Fat Lady opened the door to the common room.

"I'm so tired," Hannah spoke as she made her way to our dorm.

"Goodnight everyone."

More goodnight filled the hall and Hermione, Hannah, and I filtered down the hall to our room. As soon as the door opened Lavender jumped from her bed, asking us a million questions a minute.

"Do you mind? It's been a long night," I spoke gently, grabbing her forearms and smiling.

"Of course, I'm sorry."

I nodded and quickly moved to the bathroom, changing into a night shirt with some pants. I let, falling into my bed as Hermione moved into the bathroom after me.

"I'm sleeping until I'm in seventh year, happy and away from harm," Hannah spoke out of breath, laying across her bed on the other side of the room.

two updates in one day, who am I!?

anyways I might just shot out a bunch of chapters at once so I can get though the book quicker!!


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