Chapter 41 : The Angry King

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"Even so." the King spluttered, "Since when does love enter the equation? You're a King. You don't get such luxuries. Do you really want to forfeit my Alliance to you over something as foolish as love?"

"And don't you want Renata to be happy?" I countered, though I didn't really think breaking the Alliance was a good idea and certainly not worth this cause.

"She will be happy!" Rufeal boomed, "Because I will be happy!"

I raised an eyebrow, coolly stating, "So she is a pawn in your big chess game? I don't think she'll take lightly to hearing that."

"That's not what I meant - I would never - how dare you -"

"How dare I? Rufeal, you're confused."

"You dare, boy -"

"Why don't we go back to the Castle and sort everything out, OK?" I stepped forwards but felt a timid hand tug at my sleeve and I halted.

"There's nothing to sort out." Iduna said, "You're marrying Renata and that's final. The King is right, there's no point in loosing the Alliance over this. You said yourself that you like the Princess. So this marriage won't be the end of the world. Just forget about me."

I clasped her hand, a wave a sadness hitting me as I feared what was coming next, "You know I can't do that."

"I'm not giving you a choice." and with that she ran off through the woods, leaving me helpless and with a man crazed by his anger.

"Right. I'm glad that - that girl is gone." the way he spat 'girl' suggested he wanted to call her something much worse.

"Let's get you back to the Castle." I said, misery swelling inside me. The conversation hadn't exactly gone as I'd planned it, but for the briefest moment just before Rufeal arrived, it had seemed like there was still some hope we could salvage our relationship. Now that was all gone. Again! 

In the end, I decided not to overthink anything and instead worry about King Rufeal and his unwarranted fury. The man kept yelling random phrases about 'peasants' and 'love' and his daughter.

"How do you think she'll take this news?" he shouted suddenly, a wild look in his eyes.

"Well how about we don't tell her?" I muttered under my breath. It was a question that concerned me as well, but I really was considering not telling her at all. Something told me Iduna wasn't going to give me a choice in going through with the wedding, so there was little point in worrying the Princess with this. I'd told Iduna what I needed to and she knew my heart would always be her's. It was her choice what she did with it now.

When we finally made it back to the Castle, I felt so grateful and relieved after enduring Rufeal for so long. I spread my arms wide and basked in the irony that for the first time in my life, the Castle was inviting - usually I was trying to escape it. 

Rufeal pounded on the main gates and I suddenly came back to earth, realising that the Guards stationed at the gates would not be pleased to see me. As far as they knew, I was still in the Castle. But I couldn't try and sneak in now; not unnoticed anyway.

I followed Rufeal sheepishly as he marched back up to the Castle, and ducked my head so I didn't have to see the Guards' expressions.

When we made it into the Entrance Hall, we found Queen Lucia and Princess Renata pacing impatiently. They both ran forwards at our sorry approach.

Lucia grabbed her husband's arms and peered into his eyes with concern but he didn't seem to be looking at her. "What's the matter Rufeal? What's happened?" she gave him a little shake to coax an answer.

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