Chapter 48 : The Mystery Solved

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Agnarr and I sat in front of the entire Council, who sat and stared back at us, waiting for us to speak.

It was finally the day we would get to the bottom of the strange conspiracy spiralling in the middle of all the recent drama.

I was quite surprised with myself for forgiving Agnarr so quickly in regards to that, and accepting his invitation to return to Arendelle as easily as I did. But when I'd looked into his eyes, for the first time in a year, I saw the real Agnarr reflected back at me; the sincerity that I found so familiar was undoubtedly there. I knew he meant what he said, and he'd only proven that when he'd ordered this 'discovery' meeting as soon as we had returned, with every intent of making everything up to me.

"I assume you must be wondering why I've called this sudden meeting." Agnarr at last began.

"We were starting to wonder that, yes." Kai said, folding his hands on the table.

"Well there's no point in beating round the bush any longer." Agnarr cast a glance at me before going ahead and saying what was on our minds, "I've asked you all here today to discuss something crucial. We believe there is a plot against me."

For a split second there was complete silence, before the Council erupted into laughter.

"A conspiracy? Oh Agnarr, that really is absurd!" Sigurd chortled.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Agnarr's face was dead serious.

Indeed, this was no laughing matter. The fact they were laughing at all only proved something shady was going on.

"I'm afraid you are quite mistaken Your Majesty." Kai said, the first to wipe his face of mirth, "A more pressing matter would be why Iduna is here." he turned to acknowledge me, a frown on his face.

"Why, it's as I told you many months ago. I wish to make her my Queen." Agnarr explained, as if this was obvious, "And, correct me if I'm wrong, for my memory is a bit fuzzy, but didn't you all approve of her?"

Kai adjusted the papers in front of him, "We did. But, as we understand it, you two broke up. When that happened, we took our initiative. We took matters into our own hands and found you a suitable wife, whom you are still engaged to I feel obliged to remind you. After all, it's written into Arendellian Law that we have that authority -"

"Ah! Of course!" Agnarr slapped a hand against his forehead sarcastically, "Remind me again Kai, where exactly you found that Law, because I can't seem to find it anywhere."

That surprised me, I'd never thought Agnarr would ever try to find the Law. Why should he?

Something shifted, though, in Kai's eyes. Behind his cool exterior, he suddenly looked rather uncomfortable, "Why, I found it, well I found it -"

"It doesn't exist, does it?" Agnarr was blunt in this appraisal.

Kai looked really disturbed now as he glanced at someone in the room, but once again, too quick for me to follow his eyes.

I finally snapped at this. It was such a small thing, but it was driving me insane. "Why do you all keep looking at someone in this room?" I demanded, "I've overlooked it thus far, but now I'm starting to think that was foolish. Who are you looking at?"

Every man in the room seemed ill at ease. They all shuffled awkwardly in their chairs and avoided eye-contact with anyone.

Except Kai; I remained staring coldly at him, and he glared back. I was sure I could break him. Finally, he would admit to everything he had done. He was the culprit, I just knew it -

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