Chapter 41 : The Angry King

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"King Rufeal!"

I couldn't believe my eyes. I had been so careful when I left the Castle; making sure that no one had followed me. I'd known I needed to talk to Iduna and I didn't fancy anyone listening to our conversation. Plus, there was the fact that no one wanted me talking to Iduna, and if they found out they'd try and stop me. 

And yet, the Ebizan King had somehow managed to find me here.

With a fresh stab of fear, I wondered how much of our conversation he had overheard, and even worse, what he had seen! After all, he thought I'd sent a letter to him, asking specifically for Renata's hand in marriage, and now he'd just found me in the woods, telling another girl that I loved her, and he'd possibly even seen the kiss. But by far, the worst part of all this, was just how fond of Renata he was; even in the one day they had been here, he'd shown himself to be very protective - if I did anything out of line, he made it clear that he'd come after me.

And judging by his dark, seething expression, I could only assume he'd seen the better half of our argument and intimacy.

"What are you doing here?" I stammered, completely terrified by his glowering face after being so used to his jolly and merry self.

"I could ask you the same question." the King said, his eyes glinting angrily.

I ducked my head guiltily and only then became aware of Iduna's struggle to pull her hand free as it was still entwined with mine. I gave an internal sigh and loosened my grip, causing her to stumble backwards slightly as she yanked her fingers free.

But she continued to back away in terror. "I'm ever so sorry Your Majesty. I didn't mean to, I promise you." her voice shook like she was on the verge of tears, and I instinctively went on the defensive.

"I should hope you are young Lady." Rufeal snapped, "I can't imagine why someone like you would try and seduce a King, except for your own selfish needs and ambitions. Clearly you've gone and manipulated this poor man. It makes me sick to think about."

Iduna choked out a sob and I glared at her accuser.

"With all due respect, Rufeal, Iduna has done no such thing. How dare you even accuse of her such! She has not manipulated me in any way - the feelings I have for her are pure and real, though you may find them unwanted and inappropriate." my heart hammered but I kept my voice steady and fierce; the King had to understand that this was not Iduna's fault and that she was no threat. "All that has happened here today is my fault, Iduna didn't want any of it, and assuming you overheard us, I should think you already know that. You are too blinded by your anger at this situation, your love of Renata and your ignorance of the lower class to see Iduna is not in the wrong and instead, I am."

King Rufeal stuttered on the spot for a few moments, "I am not blinded by anything Agnarr. I think it is you and the spells this Witch has cast that are blind. You sent me a letter asking to marry my daughter. Obviously this peasant was jealous because of your noble title and favourable power being given to somebody else. Any fool may fall for her if she tried hard enough."

Unbearable rage built up inside me, and with Iduna frozen and unable to calm me down, I feared I would explode. When I spoke my voice was low and dangerous, and yet had a calmness and control about it that surprised me, "How dare you. Iduna is not a Witch. She is not jealous. She does not love me for my title. And I am not blind. I couldn't see clearer. And if you had any ears you'd have heard me say that my advisors sent that letter, claiming to be me. Now, I do like your daughter, but I don't love her, and I don't think it's right to marry her pretending that I do."

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