Chapter 2 : Rescue and Escape

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"Iduna! Iduna wake up."

I groaned and turned over, away from the hands shaking my body.

"Iduna!" the voice moaned, "I didn't come all the way over here to be ignored."

"You sleep on the other side of the tent Embla." I protested sleepily, and waved my little sister away.

"But your friends are waiting outside for you." Embla sat back on her knees with a huff, before changing her tactics and adding in a teasing, enticing voice, "Calda is there."

I frowned and snuggled further in the blanket, "I don't care about Calda."

"But you look so good together!" Embla said, dreamily.

"Why do you think all I want is love. I want adventure Embla. Adventure."

She sighed, defeated, and flopped on top of me. I grunted.

"Well if I can't get you up, I'll stay here with you."

I flapped at her with my free hand and managed to get her off the bed.

"Iduna, if I find out that was you playing with the air again ..."

I laughed, "You'll what?"

"I'll fight you that's what!" Embla laughed, stripping the blanket off my cold body and pouncing on me again.

I laughed and fought back.

We then rolled off my leaf stuffed mattress and play-fought some more, shrieking and laughing and teasing.

After about 5 minutes, we heard our parents grunting restlessly and fell apart.

"Tell the others I'll meet them in a bit. I've got to get changed first." I told her in a hushed voice, still grinning breathlessly.

She nodded, and left the tent.

"Don't be too long, you already look lovely!" my friend Iona called a moment later.

I shook my head in amusement and quickly got dressed before saying goodbye to Embla, leaving the tent and grabbing a cold bowl of soup from above the fire-pit.

My friends had naturally already left for the thicket of trees beside our campsite and I ran off to find them, beckoning to the wind to make my journey quicker. I soon found them in a small clearing, jumping around on the rocks and ground.

"Hey guys." I greeted, sliding over a rock to join Iona on the floor.

"Hello Iduna, how nice of you to join us."

I grinned up at Calda, "Nice to be here."

"OK, so what should we do now?" Emory asked, throwing himself on the ground.

"What were you doing a moment ago?" I asked, before taking a gulp of the soup.

"Just some role play for when the people from Arendelle arrive." Asta explained absently, arranging herself on the soft, uneven ground, and then she smirked at Iona, "Iona's keen to meet the Prince."

Iona slapped Asta's knee, "Hey!"

The boys laughed.

"How do you even know about a Prince?" I asked, hiding my own laugh behind my bowl.

"My mother told me of course."

I mentally slapped myself; her mother, Yelana, was sister of the chief.

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