Chapter 22 : Life Goes On

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It had been almost three years since Agnarr received that warning on that fateful Spring night, but life since had continued as normal for the most part.

From the way he'd been going on about it the first few days, you'd have thought his life had completely changed, but of course, give it a couple years and everything was fine again.

We'd finally told him about Gustav and the ominous conversations I'd overheard that concerned him. Agnarr had not been pleased we'd kept secrets from him, but he was far more angry with Gustav and wasted no time in letting the Lieutenant go. By the sounds of it, he hadn't put up much of a fight; just whimpered a little bit, but that was all.

Unfortunately, we hadn't been able to tell him anything else, so we had all been on the lookout for any funny business.

Eventually, Arianna caught one of the advisors, Alexamder, getting up to some sneaky midnight shenanigans. He became our culprit and Agnarr was quick to relieve him of his duties too.

So we'd pretty much forgotten about the whole affair by now. Agnarr was certain he'd stopped the potential threat of that horrible future and he was satisfied.

I wasn't so sure, but I trusted him wholeheartedly and never questioned him if the subject happened to be brought up.

He was moulding into a fine King actually. With the help from Halima, Colden, Kai and Arianna, everything seemed to be going well. He never told me otherwise at any rate.

As for me, things were the same as usual. I was adapting well to Arendellian life and my heart ached for the Forest a little less each day. I sincerely hoped it'd never quite fade, because then I'd feel guilty, but I couldn't pretend like I wasn't relieved. There was a strange comfort in the fact I didn't feel reliant on my Northuldran past anymore. I no longer slipped up when talking about myself and I don't think anyone had their doubts about me.


We hadn't been starved of native visits either; Frederic came several times a year which was apparently normal.

It was a great feeling when I looked out the window of our humble little home and saw a ship with the Coronan flag whipping away in the wind.

I'd always run as fast as possible to the docks where Agnarr and Arianna would already be stood waiting, and then Frederic would saunter down the wooden ramp in all his glory and we'd have a reunion so grand you'd think we hadn't seen each other in years.

Nuru-Baako also came to visit a few times, though usually it was only for Birthdays and not for very long. His parents hadn't really loosened at all when it came to travelling and Arendelle, so we treasured his visits, no matter how rare.

In fact, I would be turning sixteen the very next week, and both Nuru-Baako and Frederic had promised they'd be there for it.

I was very excited, but perhaps too excited as Cricket would bound away like mad whenever I brought the subject up.

On one particular morning, with four days to go until my Birthday, Halima and I were busy in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast, and I absently mentioned how turning sixteen would mean I could find a place of employment.

"Oh keep your voice down Iduna." Halima warned, "We don't want that blasted dog coming in here."

"Come now Halima. You know you love him." I smirked at her, wiping dry one of the plates.

Halima frowned as she worked hard at scrubbing the other plate clean, "That doesn't mean I want him bouncing around the place. I quite like my china and I don't want him breaking it."

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