Chapter Two

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Harry and Draco went to the ROR (Room of Requirements) to read the book Remus had given them.

The room had two cozy armchairs and one couch. The two boys sat on that. Draco began reading out loud to them.

"Chapter one, Magical bonds. Some of the most popular bonds are..."

As the boys read further into the book, it was clear to them what they were.

"...the signs of this bond are the abilities to talk telepathically and having trust in one another."

Draco closed the book and the two boys looked at each other with pink cheeks.



If it were possible, Harry blushed even harder than he was before. He probably looked like a tomato.

You DO look like a tomato.

Harry stuck his tongue out at the blonde. Draco just laughed.


"So. since we have this bond, we should get to know each other?" Harry asked nervously.


The boys spent the next few hours socializing and getting to know each other. They never knew they were so similar. They both like the color green and have a passion for the arts. Draco likes writing poetry and Harry likes drawing. Draco did apologize for the way he treated Harry all the years, and they made up. They were both very tired, and Harry eventually fell asleep in Draco's arms. The Slytherin stared fondly down at the smaller boy and smiled. He summoned a bed and fell asleep with Harry beside him.


The boys did this for the next two weeks. They went to the ROR to talk and hang out. The whole time, they hid a secret from each other though. They both had MASSIVE crushes on each other. So one day, Draco decided to find his inner Gryffindor courage and make a move.

"Um, Harry? I need to tell you something." Draco said.

"Sure. What is it?" Harry answered.

Draco took a deep breath. Now or never.

"Harry, I like you. Like, really like you. I have for a while now, and I just needed to tell you. I was so excited when we found out about the bond. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me!"

Harry stared at Draco. He felt his cheeks become red.

Draco began thinking it was a lost cause, when suddenly Harry attacked his mouth.

The Gryffindor pulled Draco into a loving kiss and pulled away after a few seconds. He took Draco into his arms.

"Of course I like you back! How can I not!"

"You're turning me into a bloody Hufflepuff." Harry just grinned.

Draco let out a soft laugh. He pulled Harry into a warm embrace and they fell asleep in eachothers arms, like they had for the past two weeks.


They woke up to the sound of squealing. Harry sat up with a startled expression and his shoulders slumped when he saw it was Hermione and Ginny. When Harry told them about his sexuality, that he was a homosexual, Ron said that he didn't want to be friends with a freak and turned his back on Harry. Since Hermione was Ronald's girlfriend, and Ginny his sister, they followed him as well.

"What do you want?" Harry snapped.

The girls cringed at the harsh, cold tone Harry gave them.

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