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Ibn Abbās and a group of Companions of the Prophet ﷺ narrated:

When Iblīs was sent out of Paradise, and Ādam was accommodated therein, Ādam was alone in Paradise and did not have a partner from whom he could get tranquility.

He slept for some time, and when he woke up, he saw a woman whom Allāh had created from his ribs. So he asked her, “Who are you?”

She replied, “A woman.”

He asked, “Why have you been created?”

She said: “So that you could find comfort in me.”

The angels, trying to find out the extent of his knowledge, asked him, “What is her name, O Ādam?”

He replied, “Hawwā (Eve).”

They asked, “Why was she named Hawā?”

He replied, “Because she was created from something living.”

(Ibn Kathīr, Bidāyah wa Nihāya 1/173; Tabari, Tafsīr at-Tabarī, 710 1/513; Al-Asbahānī, Al-Hujjah, 216 1/410)

From: Ilm Test

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