Act IV, Chapter Fifty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Well obviously that's not the signal!" Japan shot her a glare as well. "The signal is obvious."

"Well then why can't you tell us what it is?" Mexico pulled a face.

"Because I shouldn't have to tell you! That's the whole point!"

"You are ruining her dreams of being spy," Russia chuckled, his accent becoming thicker in the midst of his anxiety.

"Exactly! Thank you Russia," Japan pouted. "At least someone's on my side here."

"Hey, I am not on your side. I am just here for Meri."

Japan smiled slightly and flicked her tail, "Cute."

"...ok but what's the signal."

"JUST SHUT. JUST SHUT. UP," Japan groaned covering her face. "Go! Thats the signal ok?? Just fucking go!"

Mexico shook his head and threw up his hands, "Fine but I just want you all to know that I took my meds today, like you requested--"

"Yea, I don't need you jusy randomly yelling "is that Gordon Ramsay?" in the middle of the heist," Japan said, arms crossed.

"--Yea, well, my meds make me nauseous and that's why I don't usually take them so shut up."

Canada frowned, "I like that tick..."

Mexico smiled, "Thank you, Canada!"

Canada smiled back, "I like a lot of your ticks. Especially that one where you tap people and say "Excuse me" in a high-pitched voice. Or the puppy sneezes! They're super adorable."

Mexico blushed, furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms, "Hell no! Those sneezes are the worst."

"No, they're cute!"

"I like the one where he points at people and says "penis" in spanish," Australia added with a grin.

Mexico shrugged and smiled, "That's just how you say hello in spanish."

"Bitch, no. I may not know much but I know its Hola not pee-pee."

"Jokes on you, I've never said 'pee-pee' in my life."

"You just did so ha, get fucked."

"No, you."

"No, you."

"No, yo--"

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" Japan said, skulking off towards the building.

Russia sighed and followed after her knowing he would need to stay close to her side in order to carry out his part of the plan.

Mexico rolled his eyes, "Ok fine. Weirdo."

As Australia walked past him she whispered to him, "No you, asshole."

Mexico just flipped her off.


"Vietnam, please stop."

"Not even one kiss Meri?"

"Please don't call me that," America muttered, shrinking into himself like a turtle.

Vietnam pouted, "Why not?"

"Because that's what Russia calls me."

"Russia is an idiot who is clearly trying to manipulate you," Vietnam growled, crossing his arms. "You know how his father is, he probably sent Russia to lull you into a false sense of security."

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