The test

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Harry sat on his dressser, holding the small white box. He had Gemma buy it, on her way to visit for dinner. After he started experiencing symptoms of pregnancy. How it was in his hands, he wasn't reading it. He already had, now he looked at it. Completely zoned out, the test sat beside him on his dresser. Face down it had been five minutes. But he didn't dare look at the results, it determined his whole future.

H, it isn't gonna disappear I'm here for you no matter what okay. Gemma said walking towards her younger brother. She had been shocked when he asked. But she already knew about everything, Harry having sex. Harry dating a guy, that mom and dad hated. Even if they had only seen his appearance. They hadn't met him, or ever talked to him. But they weren't a fan of the boy, that had tattoos. Scattering his body, who made Harry smell of cigarette smoke.

I can't do it gem what if it's positive, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell him or mom! Harry said crumpling the card bored box, tossing on the floor. His gaze finally merging his sisters, his eyes were glossy. He was beyond terrified, what the test would say.

I know Harry I know your scared, haz but I'm here okay. I'm not going anywhere will figure it out together I promise. Gemma said grabbing Harry's hand, holding it tightly.

Harry slowly picked up the test, flipping it over to see the results. There on the white stick showed to bold black lines. He was pregnant and that all it took for him. To completely break down, to fall into Gemmas embrace.

I-I'm pre-gant gem, he sobbed only being held up by his sister. Tears running down his face, as he continued to sob. Sob and sob, until his throat became dry. An raw, and his chested burned from lack of air. Until he physically couldn't cry anymore. Well Gemma continues to whisper soothing words. Running his back, promising it would be ok. That she would be there for him, no matter what.

Harry you gotta breath for me, you gotta calm down. I promise everything will be alright, but you gotta calm down. Gemma said slowly steading her brother. So Harry wasn't fully leaning on her. It's not that she didn't wanna hold him. But she wasn't that strong to hold him up for so long.

H-how duh-do you know t-that! Y-you duh-don't know that! Harry said breaking from Gemma embrace. An walking over to his bed, and sitting down. He could see Gemma trying to come up with. How she knew it'd be okay but she couldn't. Because she knew she couldn't guarantee that it would.

Harry- Gemma please leave I wanna be alone please. Harry said interrupting his sister, laying down on his black comforter. Looking up at his navy blue ceiling.

But Harry I- Gemma just go please give me time to think! Harry said snapping at his sister, he was appreciative. For everything she had down for him. But he needed to be alone, so he could think alone. Possibly figure out how he'd tell louis. That'd he'd be a father, or how he'd go to the doctors. Without people getting suspicious, of why.

Okay Harry I'll let mum know you aren't feeling well. I'll be here this week, I can take you to the doctors okay? Gemma said walking to the door, giving her brother one last look.

Ya thanks gem, Harry said as she shut his door leaving him alone. In his room, an all he could think is. What am I gonna do now, how am I spouse to tell him? How did this even happen when did it.

But those thoughts ended with his phone beeping. Letting him know someone texted him, Harry rolled over. Grabbing his phone off the small wooded nightstand. Opening it up with his finger print. He clicked on messages to see Louis texted him.

Hey hazza just wanted to see how the visit with your sister is going? I love you lots

Hey lou, it's alright could be better not feeling the greatest. I'll see you tomorrow I love you to boo.

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