In the Midst of Laughter, and Cries of Joy

Start from the beginning

They disregarded the fact that in the end, she was just a child. 

Inoichi had instructed Kakashi to follow his breath whilst staring into his eyes, he could sense the chakra of the latter calming down after the exercise. "Kakashi, we're listening. You can speak and no one will interrupt you. Take a moment to breath if you have to, we'll wait."

He glanced over Anko's direction for a split second before averting them back towards his patient. He started off with a sigh, and soon pressed his lips into a hard line. He turned around so that he faced all three of them and immediately met Anko's hard stare that only showed anger in them. 


She coughed, a small segment of blood escaped along with her forced-out breath. She stared down to the floor where her blood was. The coughing worsened─ the dust didn't help things in the slightest. She leaned forward onto her hands, cough after cough pushing out her throat along with all the air. She blinked once and a tear dropped from both eyes simultaneously. She leaned back and was now rested on her knees─ her eyes widened further than she thought they could as she looked around. She snapped her head towards numerous sides to only see the same thing. 

Held in a place that almost seemed like it had no ceiling or sky. Scattered blocks of silver cubes of various sizes and the supposed 'top' of this unknown place was navy blue. It was cold and silent─ she couldn't even hear her own trembling breathing at this point due to the anxiety levels that had hit the ceilings of her soul. She looked down to see that the ripped page was crumpled into her fist. 

She wondered how long she was going to be left alone for, again.


Silence was the only thing that filled the thin air, leaving no room for anything else. Although after a solid minute of the displeasing silence, Inoichi decided to speak. 

"We can send our best tracking Shinobi squads to sense her out. I'll inform Hokage-sama, Anko will inform Lady Tsunade and Ibiki will gather the sensory type. We wait until dawn to reinforce action." he ordered, flickering his attention towards Kakashi for a moment before peering down to the scroll in his grasp. 

"7AM sharp, my office, all proctors are required to meet." Anko ordered, turning on her heels and left the room without biding any of them goodbye. Ibiki left close behind her, leaving the last two.

"It's not your fault, Kakashi. You left in the first place for your mandate of assuring her growth." He took notice of the distant, sole obsidian eye. "You have a few hours to get some rest, I suggest you take it."

Kakashi silently nodded and quietly left the room without uttering another word. Inoichi stared at his retreating figure and let out a sigh─ he must've had the right intentions because in the end, according to what he said, he left in the first place because he had to deliver the scroll that contained Sakura's weekly reports. 

He just wished that Kakashi didn't blame himself for what he had done.


Regret and shame take over his whole body, leaving every other feeling tucked into the corners of his soul. Nothing added up in his mind. Sakura disappeared without say, her book was torn and most of all, his house still looked the same. 

This was not her doing, but his.


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