The table went quiet, from a form of sympathy. Then Kirishima spoke up.

"Sorry if I'm being rude, but... May I ask what happened between you two?" He asked. Everyone just stared at him, thinking that was being insensitive, but Rachel gave a sign that it was okay. She was going to give some explanation, without putting the blame on anyone, but I beat her to it.

"I hurt her... That's the only way to put it... " I said, which earned some looks of shock from everyone. Rachel looked at me, as if she was asking why I said that, but I met her gaze, as if I was saying that we both knew it was true.

Now the table went completely quiet once more, only for a different reason. Everyone was still processing what they had just heard, and they most likely had mixed feelings about it.

However, the silence was then broken by the sound of the alarm. It was roaring that there had been a security breach, and that someone had made it onto campus.

We all stood up and tried to get out of the cafeteria, but that would prove impossible. The hall was overflowing with students of different courses, the only reason we weren't standing still was because we were being dragged along by the current.

Out of instinct my hand grabbed on to something and proceeded to drag whatever it was behind me. I needed to know what was happening, so I pushed my way towards the windows.

It was difficult, for the reason that I could easily trample over someone if I wasn't careful, but I managed to get there. When I looked outside I got slightly annoyed, for I couldn't see a single threat. What had broken into campus, the thing that we were so afraid of, was the media...

I needed to let everyone know that there was nothing to worry about, and I needed to do it fast. So I took a deep breath, then I roared.

"HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!" As loudly as I could. The tone carried itself across the entire campus, and everyone suddenly stopped in their tracks. They all looked towards me, some had fear in their eyes, as I announced.

"IT'S JUST THE MEDIA OUTSIDE! CALM THE FUCK DOWN, AND GO BACK TO YOUR CLASSROOMS!" With a loud and slightly aggressive voice. People then began looking out the windows, to see if I was speaking the truth. Once they realised that I did they calmed down, and walked back to their classrooms.

Everything had calmed down now, and I Iet out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"H- Hey, Izuku?" I heard Rachel say. I turned to her and saw that she was blushing, I then noticed the reason. When I grabbed and dragged something out of instinct I didn't realise what it was, but now I do. It was her hand, I had grabbed onto Rachel's hand.

The moment I realised what I had done, I began blushing. My eyes then met Rachel's, before I let go and said.

"S- Sorry!" With a bit of panic in my words. Rachel didn't respond to this, she only looked in the opposite direction as me.

After that exchange we decided to head back to our classroom, thinking that we've been through enough already.

. . .

"Alright class. Today we'll be doing rescue training at an off campus facility." Aizawa said during his presentation. As if on cue, people got excited. Aizawa then continued by saying.

"I know that you're all excited about costumes, but know that you're not yet used to them and that they might hinder your abilities." Before he pressed a button to reveal our costumes. I went to grab my suitcase, but then I was stopped by Aizawa before I could leave.

"Midoriya, can I ask you something?" He said, and I stopped to listen.

"Is something wrong, you look stiff and uncomfortable?" He asked. I wasn't surprised by his question, if anything it meant that I was doing something right.

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