Discovering What wedgies are

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I get out of my car, and walk into the apartment building, and take the elevator to floor 13. I w alk up to my new apartment door and give a good knock. The door swings open and there stands my new roommate Sandra.

"Hello, you must be Milly! Come in come in!" Sandra said with excitement welcoming me in.

I walk in and see a ton of work out equipment.

"So how often do you work out?" I question.

"5hours a day, 7 days a week." Said Sandra. "I was actually about to start working out. And I'm so glad your here bc you will help me greatly with my workout!"

"What fo you mean-" I started to question until I felt my underwear shoot up my ass.

"I haven't had a what to do chin ups but now I do!" She says attaching my underwear to a hook and lifting me 10 feet in the air. Grabbing my legs to do chin up. "I think I'll spend an hour doing chin ups."

So for the whole 5 hours I was in a wedgie. The first hour she used my as a pull up bar, then she attached me to her weights and wedgied me while running on the treadmill. My ass was on fire and thats when I realized that I had been tricked and now this was my life and the worst part is the genie made my clothes invincible so my underwear would never rip. So I literally spent 5 hours straight in a wedgie and when her workout ended, I thought I was finally free.
It was 9 at night and I was exhausted amd my ass and pushy hurt so bad. I began to walk away when....

"Where do you think you're going, Sandra questioned while she lifted me in the air by my underwear."


"No way! I need someone to wedgie while I shower!" Sandra told me while she dragged me in the shower with her, so for the entire shower I was being wedgied. While she washed herself I was hung off the shower head and when she was rinsing off, she gave me 500 queasy cleans per front pull and per back pull making that 1000 squeay cleans in all. After her shower, she hung me on a hook to dry and left me there all night long. While on the third hour hanging in my wedgie while Sabdra slept like a baby, I knew, I fucked up....

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