every wedgie possible

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One Saturday morning I woke up, in my nightly hanging wedgie of course, with my legs being yanked down causing my wedgie to worsen. It was 6 in the morning, Sandra decided to sleep in for two hours since it was Saturday and thankfully no morning work out since it was the weekend.

I was hoping today to get a bit of a break since I dont have any friends so I stay in all day. And since Sandra is usually out on Saturdays partying. Usually on Saturdays I get to actually sleep in my own bed wedgie free since Sandra is always out. But.... today was a little different...

Last night there was apparently this huge snow storm, we got like 36 inches, so everyone was stuck indoors so lucky me, Sandra decided to introduce me to every wedgie possible....


"Okayyyy Milly, see these handcuffs well.... see that hook on the ceiling as well???" Sandra asked me with an evil smirk on her face.

Sandra grabbed my arms, handcuffed my wrists together, pick me up by the back of me undies, told me to lift up my arms and so she looped the middle hole of the chain through the hook making me having to stand on my tippy toes bv thats as far as I could reach the ground.

"Alright milly wedgie number one, which you are alright used to by now" Sandra said laughing.

"Not used to any wedg-IEEEEE-" I screeched as she yanked my undies up with all her strength.

"The normal wedgie! Next the melvin!" Sandra said with excitement as she moved to the front of me and yanked my undies up in the front.

"AHHHH-OUCH" I screamed

Sandra quickly decided she wanted whimpers not screams, so she grabbed one of her sweaty workout socks (that she rarely washes) and shoved it in my mouth followed by ducked taping my mouth so I can't spit it out.

So wedgie after another, she put me through HELL.

This is all the wedgies she had given me today: normal, melvin, bouncing, winch, hanging, dangling, messy, swirly, squeaky clean, atomic,front atomic, double atomic, frozen, snowy (that sucked), all around, backwards, shoulder, bra-connection, chair, copy, dizzy, doorknob, dragging, fireman carry, forklift, front and back, grounded, jock-lock, journalist, multi-layered (normal, melvin, dangling, hanging, etc.), panting. Permanent, piledriver, propelling, rowing, scarecrow, airplane, rope (where she used rope as my underwear and wedgied me), side, slide, snuggy, splits, suspender, Texas, swing (she hanging me on a hook and pushed me back and forth like a swing, God that one hurt), tarzan, trashcan, utterly undies.... pretty much any wedgie you could think of basically....

I was in tears by the end of it, and by the end of it, I mean that it is 2am rn I am hanging by underwear on that hook I was originally cuffed to. My pants around my ankles, ass as red as a tomato and an entire video posted on YouTube of all the wedgies that were given to me. Sandra has gone to bed and I am in so much pain and embarrassment. Worst part is, she said she had so much fun that we are going to do it all again starting at 5:30am.... my life absolutely sucks!

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