Chapter 25

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It only took one person to make your life come crashing down. 

There was always a leader who planned everything out, who was in control of what others do, of what they did. Everything that happened was on their hands.

How do they do it? How do they bring themselves to hurt others? What did they get out of it? Satisfaction? Revenge? Something or someone they always wanted?

Sophia sat at the hospital, Keith next to her as they waited to see Lance and Dante. Georgia was at home, Kosmo with her as she let all the events that happened sink in. 

Georgia hadn't spoken since Tiffany passed. She had a blank expression on her face as she walked to her room. She didn't respond to Keith when he let her know what was going on, what was going to happen next. 

A handful of those at the gang house were going to be leaving and meeting up with Kora and the others in Australia.

"Mom?" Sophia whispered, making Keith look over at her. "What are we going to tell Liam?" 

Keith felt his mouth go dry. What was he suppose to tell Liam? Dante's not coming anytime soon? 

"You let me figure that out." Keith answered quietly. 

"Keith, Sophia." 

The two looked up to see Kolivan now standing in front of them, his arms crossed. "We can go see Lance now." 

They followed Kolivan to Lance's room. The older male slowly opened up the door where Lance lied in the hospital bed, his good arm covering his eyes. 

"Lance?" Keith asked softly, walking more into the room. 

"I'm sorry." Lance's broken voice rang out. 

"For what, dad?" Sophia questioned, a frown appearing on her face as she took a seat next to the bed. 

"I couldn't kill him." Lance replied. "He was right in front of me, and I couldn't kill him." 

"Stop." Keith shook his head. "Nobody blames you for what you did. It wasn't your fault." 

Lance dropped his arm from his face, revealing the giant bruise on his left cheek, his split lip and a bandage on the right side of his face.

"Where's Dante and Georgia?" He asked, not seeing his son and daughter. "And Tiffany?"

Sophia's head dropped as she gripped onto the bottom of her shirt. Keith avoided Lance's gaze while Kolivan turned his back to the three. 

"What? What happened?" 

"G's at home." Keith spoke, wondering if he should tell him about Tiffany or Dante first. "She's not doing well." 

"Dante's in a coma." Sophia's voice cracked. "And Tiffany..." 

"Tiffany's dead." 

. . . . . 

Georgia sat in the car as Krolia drove to the hospital. 

Georgia had managed to gather the courage to go and see her father and brother before she headed to Australia. 

Kolivan met them outside, and lead them into the hospital and to Lance's room.

The three inside looked towards the door, making Georgia look towards the floor. 


Before Lance could finish, the girl shot forward. She shoved her head in the crook of Lance's neck as her body shook, tears rolled down her face and she let everything out once again. 

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