Chapter 8

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"This isn't good." 

"I can't believe I was right." Dante spoke. "I love being right but this is the one thing that I wish I was wrong about." 

"Dad!" Georgia took a step backwards. "He's here." 

"Well shit." Lance cursed. "Okay, you guys stay close to an adult at all times. Do not leave them, do not go out on your own understand?" 


"And I know you want to enjoy the fair, but this is the year you can't. And I'm sorry for that." Lance sighed. "We're leaving as soon as this is done, then we'll have to go to the gang house." He lowered his voice into a grumble. "And then we have to see Nixon." 

"Dad, why don't you like Nixon?" Sophia questioned, not understanding. 

"I have my reasons." Lance muttered. 

"Your dad is just jealous." Keith piped up, rolling his eyes. "For very dumb reasons." 

"Mom, you have to kick his as-butt." Dante growled. "Because if you don't, I will." 

"Oh trust me." Keith laughed darkly. "I will." 

"On the bright side, you won best car." Georgia shrugged. 

"Won't be the only thing I'm winning." Keith cracked his knuckles. 

"Those in heat 2, please line up." 

"If something happens, I'll be jumping in." Lance said, pecking Keith's lips. 

"Don't worry." Keith mumbled, grabbing his helmet. "I'm sure nothing will happen." 

"Come on." Dante said. "Let's head over." 

While Keith got in the car, the others walked over to the pit.

"Oh watch out guys, the sluts here." Tiffany spoke with a smirk as they arrived.

"Say that again you two timing bitch." Sophia snarled, taking a step forward. "Once you do, your nose is going to so fucked up, not even a doctor will be able to fix it." 

Tiffany's smirk dropped at Sophia's deadly glare. With a 'hmph' she looked away from the group.

"Take the bitch out with one goddamn hit. Make her wish she was never born." Sophia muttered threats under her breath while Georgia let out a sigh and grabbed her older sister's arm. 

"Just stop Sophia. She isn't worth it." 

Isabella snickered. "She's scared of Sophia." 

"I am not!" Tiffany piped up. 

"Tell that to your hands, Shaky." Isabella teased. 

Kolivan and Krolia moved so that they stood in the middle of the two groups. 

"Isabella." Shay grabbed her daughters arm gently, pulling her farther away from the other group. "Try to stay away from them, okay?" 

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5!" 

The crowd joined in as Keith's heart began to speed up. 

Lotor was right behind him.

"4! 3! 2! 1! GO!" 

"COME ON MOM!" Dante shouted. 

"YOU GOT THIS!" Kora yelled out. "LET'S GO!" 

Liam clapped in Lance's arms as he giggled watching all the cars slam against each other. 

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