Chapter 19

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(Felt a bit inspired and motivated by you all so take another chapter!)

A couple days have passed after the storm

But things since haven't been good as  Sokka has became sick...

Y/n:Sokka...feel sick...

Katara:Aang is going to try to find something to keep doing what you're doing to help him...

Aang flies up

Y/n:Please Aang found...something...

Aang:I couldn't find any ginger root but I found a says there should be someone up there to help with medicine...

He points in the distance

Aang:It should be on top of that mountain...has y/n's method been working? seems to be working...

Y/n:Y/n's mother say to...drink plenty of...liquids and rest...y/n also steadily...heat up relax muscles...and clear nose...

Katara:Its gonna take some time,if we can speed up the process even further that'd be best since we can't stay in one place too long...and Sokka is in no condition to travel...

Y/n:Y/n sorry...he never been sick...before...

Aang:I'm sure you could just heat up your body to the point where no sickness could survive...

Y/n:Too hot...for Sokka...Y/n have to...steadily raise...then keep consistent heat...

Katara starts to cough a bit

Aang:Oh're getting sick too!

Katara:It's fine! I'm not-

She starts to cough even harder than last time

Y/n picks up Aang and drags him a bit back

Y/n:Could be...contagious...

Aang:I'm gonna go on top of that mountain...

Y/n:Y/n stay here...monitor Katara,and Sokka...

Aang:Alright...Ill try not to take too long...

Aang runs off very quickly

Sokka:You know what I love about Appa? His sense of humor...

Katara:I'm sure y/n will tell Appa that,right y/n?

Y/n nods and goes up to Appa

Y/n:Your comedic second to none...very humorous...

Katara laughs a bit as she coughs

Y/n starts to heat her up a bit as well

Katara:Thanks y/n...

He nods his head

Sokka:Y/n I need water please...

Katara:Thats a good idea...why don't you take my water pouch y/n?

Katara reaches for her waist and hands it to him

Momo jumps on Y/n's shoulder

Y/n:Y/n bring...Momo as well...not want to be alone...friends get sick...scared y/n...lose them...

Katara:It's just a cold...I'm sure we're fine...

Y/n:Y/n not see friends...the way the...are now...he hurry back...

He walks off  quickly with Momo still on his shoulder

Y/n heats his upper body a bit for Momo

He seems to enjoy it

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